Importance of Testing in Software Development

Software testing, a phase in software development, is just as crucial as any other software product development stage. The functionality of a software product relies on this phase as it helps identify any issues that may occur in the usage phase of the software product. Therefore, serious software developers will always take this phase into concern and explore it exhaustively. Consequently, we can collectively term software testing as a phase in software development crucial for establishing whether the final software product meets its goals and requirements and doesn't have any defects. 

Achieving software development takes different dimensions, among them running the final software product component by component or as a whole with automated tools or rather manually as a way of property evaluations. Exploring further will also shed light on the different types of testing.

Testing takes different approaches and usually relates to the product under development. Therefore, the testing phase is also extensive, given that the developers and testers want to develop a product with little or no malfunctions. Testing can be much more profound, especially when the software product under development is more complex.

Why Software Testing?

Usually, most software developers venture into software testing to establish gaps in the developed software product, find errors in the product, and find missing requirements concerning the actual requirements for the product. It is undeniably true that software projects can't go without this crucial stage as there are errors developers at least expect at each phase of the life cycle. Moreover, it is also difficult to establish some of the technical errors which end up undiscovered in the process. It is thus essential to carry the testing phase with the weight it deserves with no ignorance of the quality of assurance. You will, sure enough, find code errors and design errors at the end of development should you forbid the testing phase.

Therefore, before releasing the final software product to the public end-users, testing is a prerequisite stage that aims to cut errors that might give end-users sleepless nights after every usage. A software product that undergoes thorough testing will always be secure, dependable with incomparable performance.

Furthermore, such a product will always be cost-effective and time-saving during the process of development. The outcome is a product that fully satisfies the consumer or the end-user. With the centrality of this phase in the software development life cycle, we consider it crucial in different ways. Therefore, we shall explore why we believe software testing is a critical stage of software development. Let us delve into the importance of software development with the concern of software quality and proper usage.   

Reasons Why We Need Software Testing  

It Cuts of Extra Software Development Costs

The testing phase comes with a wide range of benefits both for the developer and the end-user. But the among the greatest of these benefits is the reduction of extra costs experienced in software development. With the cost-effectiveness factor in mind, most companies recruit or outsource software testing services entirely to ensure the final product functions properly and meets the actual development goals. The high-cost factor is common in software development that calls for a bunch of projects. Therefore, such software calls for thorough testing to get rid of both discoverable and rare-to-discover errors.

Establishing bugs in the software reduces the costs of fixing the bugs after the product's final release. Therefore, it is clear that testing will always come as a prerequisite for releasing the final product to the public. It is also crucial to understand the need to hire high-quality software testers with excellent technical skills and ample experience to test the software product and ensure it reaps the desired benefits.  


Every software needs unbreakable security, and therefore, every developer has a goal to secure the final software product from threats. However, establishing these threats doesn't require waiting on the experience when the end-users consume the software products. It is crucial to factor out the possible errors and rectify the vulnerabilities even before attackers realize them. Vulnerabilities in software should undergo identification in the process of testing. Mostly, you will find out that a vulnerable software product may leak sensitive user information to the public, which can be a significant loophole for attackers.

For this reason, developers incorporate testing the product to identify errors and debug them to ensure the final product is out of threat. After proper testing to ensure security, the developers can then assure the user of the reliability and stability of the product in terms of security. Collectively, through software testing, the end-users will always receive a more secure software product and free from vulnerability.  

Quality of the Product

Software quality is another critical necessity to be put to scale. It is good to understand that not every functional software product will always meet the desired quality requirements. However, through testing, developers identify bugs, correct them and enhance the functionality to improve quality. A good software product comes to life if it meets the quality requirements in its entirety. Different software products serve the user in different ways. Ensuring that software product quality meets the desired standards helps in enhancing user satisfaction. When checking the quality of the software, developers and testers need to check its functionality thoroughly to ensure a compelling customer experience. Compatibility is also another significant factor to consider when testing the product for quality. If the product is not compatible with many devices, the developers should always strive to ensure it is compatible with other devices so that it is of excellent quality.  

Customer Satisfaction

Another significant role of software testing is to ensure customer satisfaction. Once a customer gets satisfied using the software product, we can consider it properly tested and meets the qualities desired by the customer. Regarding the testing phase helps instill a perfect user experience in the end product. Since customers are the focal point during any development project, software developers ensure to test the product properly with the user's needs and satisfaction in mind. Therefore, skipping the testing phase means a lot will be out of the developer's mind with no primary focus on the customer. Therefore, choosing the testing phase is an excellent way of preparing to reap the best long-term benefits for the developer and the end-user. With proper testing to achieved assured customer satisfaction, the software development team will always enjoy the fruits of earning great reputations from clients.

The clients can also entrust such a development team to every software development project. Once customers find it hard and encounter a terrible experience with a software product, they will get offended and poorly review it. It thus lowers the rate of any software development team. Therefore, software developers should work around the clock to ensure exhaustiveness of the testing phase to achieve a reliable user experience.   

Improving the Process of Software Development

Apart from just pointing out the errors during development, software testing is a phase that enhances the development process through quality assurance. Once the developers and testers have identified the possible errors in the software under development, the only focus remains on fixing the bugs in no time. There are cases where the developers work hand in hand with the testers, and therefore the entire team works in parallel. Doing so also fastens and enhances the process of development.

The Addition of New Features Is Easier

Testing is an excellent way of making the process of infixing new features into the software more accessible. However, it can be challenging to perform changes on the software or within the code with complex interconnected code. However, with testing, there is a reduction of the complexities, giving the developers ample time to add new features into the codebase. As you make changes to the code base while testing occasionally, you will likely know whether the changes impact the code positively or either way. The end-product is software that beats the rest in the competitive software market.   

Establishing the Software Performance

Usually, software released to the public before testing is always below the expectations in terms of performance. However, software with prior quality testing will always have more extraordinary performance and can bring about an excellent reputation in the market. Following the release of an untested product to the market before testing and enhancing the performance if need be, convincing the customers to like the software product will be a great hassle. Therefore, it would help if the software developers and testers considered testing at an initial stage. 


Software testing is an excellent phase of the software development life cycle and helps both the software testers and developers to understand and verify each aspect of software testing. Software testing helps in various dimensions and checks it for compatibility with other devices or other related applications.  More importantly, when done at an early stage of development, software testing saves the entire project from extra expenditures. Therefore, every development team must instill extra effort in the testing stage so that the customers enjoy the final product with great satisfaction.