Why AngularJS Should Power Your Next Project?

Launched in 2009, AngularJS has gained popularity in the world of single-page applications (SPAs) development. Simplifying and structuring JavaScript code has indeed become achievable. In a market flooded with a range of options, you may want to understand the reasons why you should opt for the framework. What makes it different? Well, here are the reasons:

1. It Was Developed By Google

Efficiency and reliability are critical to any project. For this reason, the developers of any JavaScript framework must be dedicated and skilled. Google has demonstrated its commitment to finding the right professionals. The company has been trying to come up with frameworks even before the creation of AngularJS. It has updated the frameworks to provide more features and options for the clients. It is also ascertained that you will get the answers that you need for your project in real time. You have a chance to learn new ways of developing your apps to ascertain satisfactory results.

Even more, you are introduced to a huge community of experts who can make suggestions and direct you to online resources to guide you through. Attending one of the AngularJS conferences is always resourceful because the contributions are made by professionals from different parts of the globe. Given that there are other frameworks in the market, Google may want to remain on the lead and will continue to make more investments in the area. Choosing AngularJS will help you in the current and future projects.

2. It’s Comprehensive

The framework is designed to meet all your needs in a front-end development. You will not require extra frameworks and plugins to develop an application. One of the features included in the REST Easy, which facilitates the server to client communication. You will get the data required for interactions on the web pages. The framework simplifies the process. Another incredible feature included is the MVVM (Model View View-Model) to the Rescue. Talk to the View-Model objects is made easier through the scope object. The changes in the model can be identified and delivered by the Views. It becomes the HTML that expresses a code.

The Data Binding and Dependency Injection feature eliminates the use of class declarations and wrappers. Data can be expressed automatically using JavaScript primitives. Further, the enterprise-level testing will guide you as you implement the tests accurately and efficiently. The test flakiness is avoided through the pre-bundled mocks.

The ability to extend HTML is important for a developer who wishes to avoid the limitations of declaring dynamic views in applications. AngularJS provides this feature, creating an environment where efficiency and readability prevails. Other frameworks have attempted to deal with the issue by offering you a chance to manipulate the DOM. They do not, however, consider the fact that HTML is not created for varied views. With the comprehensive features provided, the Angular allows you to come up with performance-driven and easy-to-maintain front-end codes.

3. Easy to Use

It takes a few minutes to get started on the AngularJS. The rich features provided make it possible to develop a project. You are not required to come up with a code, instead, the implementation of the MVC architecture takes the burden off your shoulders. Writing getters and setters is also not required. Directives are managed by other teams.

With the framework, you will not be required to waste time on program flows and finding out what will load first. On the contrary, you have the option of defining what you are seeking for and letting framework to deliver the rest. Downloading the framework is free. Along with this, you will find tutorials on how to use it. The common queries that you are likely to have been answered well.

4. You Are Offered Maximum Control

The data-binding feature enables you to update the view automatically. You can do this when a view or model changes. You will not have to worry about the DOM manipulation. Further, you can express the behavior in a readable manner by using the controllers. Watching as the model changes or registering the callbacks is eliminated in this case. You do not also have to worry about the maintenance and reuse of the code because the framework utilizes plain JavaScript. These features are included to ensure that you are in charge of your project.  

5. Flexibility

The features provided by the framework gives you the liberty to follow a project structure of your choice. You can also come up with hybrid applications. More so, you can load the most critical services during the testing process. You will not have to remember the module loading order if you follow the one file-one module pattern. The features provided can be modified and replaced to blend in with your future needs and pace. Indeed, with a range of options available, you will get the customized outcomes for your project.

The architecture utilized does not limit you to certain devices. While some of the frameworks in the market focus on developing mobile applications, AngularJS offers you a chance to split them by the use of MVC architecture. It becomes easier to develop web applications that blend in with mobile applications. You will, therefore, save time and beat the project deadlines. The architecture is also ideal for a developer seeking for high speed.

6. Client-Side Solutions Are Offered

The features of the AngularJS are designed to ensure that the clients have a remarkable experience. In many cases, the developers fail to recognize that a Person object on the server is not the same as a Person on the user’s side. The look and feel are always different. It may be easy to overlook some of these issues when developing simple applications. However, the problem becomes difficult when dealing with complicated projects. The codes, data attributes, and inputs must be chosen carefully for a superior end-user experience. Angular has the features needed to solve these issues. The deep linking, for instance, lets you know where the user is while using the application. They can bookmark and provide emails easily.

The form validation will also enhance the user experience. It is made easy by allowing you to declare the related rules without writing the codes. Third party libraries help in offering built-in services. The codes are hence simplified for the user. Further, the model becomes the source of truth, which then gives the chance to think of the object-oriented designs practices. The users will benefit in the ultimate. It is also worth noting that locale aware filters are provided. You can make your application available in varied locations. Other filters provided include uppercase, lowercase, and number. They are designed to present a lot of data to the users in a functional manner.

7. Security

One of the major concerns in a web-based project is data security. Whereas new technologies may help you to achieve your goals efficiently, there is a need to protect all the sensitive information of the project. AngularJS development has features that assure you of the necessary protection. All the concerns raised are addressed in real time.

8. It Is Easier To Collaborate With Other Professionals

You may require the input of other people in your project. The directives and dependency injection features allow you to share components with other developers in the community. The commonly used codes are availed to you for the customization of the old elements and a creation of new and exciting outcomes.

9. You will Become Proficient With Ease

If you are just starting to come up with projects using JavaScript, AngularJS is the appropriate framework. You will easily learn the best practices because most of the processes are automated. The information provided by the members of the community will help you to solve any problem. Other frameworks make this hard because of the limited features and as such, you are expected to handle numerous tasks in a project. You will also find it difficult to ask questions of other developers because the framework may not be popular.

10. AngularJS versus Angular 2.0

As a project developer, you may keen to use the newest technologies to achieve the desired results. It is at this point that you may have to decide whether the Angular 2.0 is more functional than the AngularJS. Both frameworks have similar goals. However, the Angular 2.0 has new features that are designed to replace the old ones. For instance, the components are featured in to replace the controllers. The hierarchical dependency injection system enables the framework to perform faster. Further, the latest standards of JavaScript are supported. The advantages of using typescript are offered, while the speed is remarkable because of the router only loads the components when it is required.

Based on the features of the Angular 2.0, it seems that the new version is not an update but rather a new framework. It becomes daunting for the developers to move to angular 2.0. Instead, they prefer to use AngularJS because they are connected to a larger community. They have a chance to solve the problems faster as they tap into the skills and experience of the experts. Google is also committed to updating it on a regular basis, which makes the framework relevant and functional. It is also daunting for the developers to dedicate their time to learn new skills because of the costs issue. You may want to consider these aspects before making the decisions. If you are unwilling to learn and take time to find developers using the new version, the AngularJS is the best option for you.


Certainly, AngularJS offers you the flexibility, efficiency, and functionally that you need in a project. Whether you are developing the video streaming apps, weather apps, commerce market-place sites, the framework will come in handy. In need of AngularJS development services for your next software? GoodFirms caters you with a list of top AngularJS development companies wherein, you can be assured of finding the right technology partner among these firms that will understand your requirements and match your budget.