The UX Design Trends Then and Now

User experience (UX) Design is a process of delivering enhanced and meaningful digital experiences to customers. The term “User Experience,” first coined by Donald Norman back in 1988, is associated with digital Design. He calls this, “designing for people first.” Centered around the users, UX design is decided based on the type of business, its branding requirements, functionalities required, and usability. It purely reflects the users’ journey while interacting with your brand. From then to now, the evolution of UX design has been tremendous. 

Today, top Web Design Companies and User Experience Design Companies leverage technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), AR(Augmented Reality), VR(Virtual Reality), motion-sensing, Natural Language Processing(NLP), etc., for a positive user experience.

With evolving technologies and demands, the UX trends will also evolve and increase the capabilities of UX design service providers. The history of UX explains the advancement in mobile UX and web UX throughout different periods. This infographic is an attempt to recollect the past UX trends, the current and future predictions of the UX design industry.


Brands can plan constructive investments due to such strong evolution of UX. App Design Software, Graphic Design Software and Web Design Software make it convenient for user experience(UX) companies and UX designers to adopt an agile methodology and stay relevant in the market, flowing hand-in-hand with the trends. UX design trends can evolve further. But, for now, spatial interfaces and AI can take us further.