Yes, Artificial Intelligence Made Machines Think like Human

Believe it or not! But yes, it’s true. Artificial Intelligence is evolving our lives and making things easy for us at work, home, wherever we are and whatever we do.

Ten years ago, Artificial Intelligence was pretty much in laboratories.  Experiments, research, various system implementation and what not was performed. And today; ten years hence; it’s out here.

What? Haven’t you come across any of the best examples? Well then! Let me introduce you with your smartphone.

Staggered? Don’t be! Your smartphone is smarter than what you think or can say more advanced.

In fact, I was also amazed when I came across Google Now inbuilt in my Android phone. With the voice commands, the application makes the work easier. Only need to speak “Ok Google” followed by the question or task and the command gets into action immediately.

There’s another example, messaging bots. It works as a virtual assistant. Weather information, flight and hotel booking, food ordering, everything via messages.

You might be knowing about Poncho. Isn’t it? Poncho is a facebook’s weather cat that lets you stay updated with the weather of your location.

And the list of bots does not end here. Amongst the list around the web, chat bots are in use to a huge extent. Facebook, Slack, Telegram mostly all social media forums are owning a chatbot connecting people with business in a similar way friends connect.

Bot development is a small innovation of artificial intelligence. There are various systems and applications implemented using this technology giving us a unique experience of where the technology is heading.

A few days back was watching a documentary video on Artificial Intelligence and it was all about AI- the future, uses, and benefits. The 55-minute video made me meet with the future world and seriously it’s worth a listen.  

The discussion had important elements and the research work on AI and its use in various fields enclosed with the benefits.

Listening to this amazing documentary video, thought to dive deep and glean whatever I could to understand how Artificial Intelligence is making things easy and effortless.

Let’s begin;

#1] AI and Approaches

Yes, Of course, you may be knowing about Artificial Intelligence. No? Ok… Tour to Wikipedia to dive deep.

By the way, here is an abstract of it;

“Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence exhibited by machines. In computer science, an ideal "intelligent" machine is a flexible rational agent that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximise its chance of success at some goal.Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is applied when a machine mimics "cognitive" functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as "learning" and "problem-solving"”.

The best example is Pokemon Go. How can you forget? The first AR game which brought the players outside their vicinity to chase for the pokemons. Augmented Reality was used to build the excitement for chasing pokemons in the real world such as at malls, garden areas or any location. The another technology behind this captivating game is Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is actually running the game in your smartphones by learning all the mechanics and helping you track the pokemons.

Hey, do you know there is a PokemonGO Facebook bot? You can find it in the Messenger app where you can ask various questions related to the game and prepare yourself for the Pokemon battle.


Artificial Intelligence is a technology that requires a deep understanding of human intelligence. Simply creating 1000 lines of program won’t work. Even when researchers started working on AI, they had the same myth. But gradually as they proceeded with their research work they understood that a simple function also is far beyond their coding skills and they need to dive deep into human intelligence first.

Below are the approaches Of AI

-Games: Brainstorming games like chess cannot be played alone. You need an opponent to compete with. Don’t you? While playing chess on mobile or desktop opposite artificial brain, you may have noticed the speed via which it understands and acts on your next step. That “intelligence” kind of a thing is AI. There are a myriad of games developed using AI of which the most popular ones are poker,tic-tac-toe including chess.  

-Machine Learning: Machine learning gives computers the ability to understand the pattern and human language without explicitly writing a single line of code. Using computational statistics and mathematical calculations a program learns to recognise the patterns and analyze the data which may be supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement type, or developmental.

-Computer Vision: Computer vision is one of the vigorous research in AI, involves the construction of algorithms that automates the identification of  the objects and the surroundings through machines. Recently, Google created an algorithm that can accurately recognise the cat’s face from billions of images across the internet.

-Natural language Processing: Natural language processing i.e. NLP is concerned with the human interaction with the machines and how better these machines can understand our language and act.

-Speech & Voice Recognition:

Speech and voice recognition are two different things. A huge database is used to compare the sound pattern to identify the words and the text is converted into the desired language using translation engine.

Sound card is an input device used to recognise the voice and convert the analog signal into digital.

-Neural Networks: Pattern recognition examples such as face identification, character identification, and handwriting identification requires a set of neurons functioning at different levels on the server side.  For instance, the popular app Prisma is developed using the intelligence of neural networks that transforms original image into a classy artwork.

-Heuristic Classification: Heuristic classification is used to solve complex problems in vivid areas of medicine, science, business and engineering. Various heuristic programs are written in expert system satisfying a set of requirements such as appropriate application area, the problem to be solved and its aspects so that it is trackable computationally.

-Fuzzy Logic: The theory is simple for fuzzy logic. 0 for completely true and 1 for completely false. For instance, the home appliances such as microwave, oven or iron which are used for multipurpose are designed using the algorithm of fuzzy logic.  The same logic is used in developing expert systems where boolean values play a major role in generating accurate results.

-Intellectual Robotics: Robots are the artificial brains designed and created by humans. From brainstorming and decision making to speaking and limbs movement, various functions are programmed and connected with a system. Usually, they are found in heavy industries to quickly complete the array of tasks in the concise and effective way.

-Knowledge Representation: A deep knowledge can solve various problems. No matter how complex the problem is, the solution depends on the knowledge representation. However, to solve the most critical problems in various areas, the knowledge is represented creating huge programs in computers. Engineers or say application developers use various knowledge representation schemas to develop programs and bring accurate solutions to a list of problems.

-Swarm Intelligence: This type of intelligence allows a group to make better decision making instead of a single person taking the things on his own. The purpose behind using swarm intelligence is to use the natural predictions of a group of people in real life situation. For instance, have you ever noticed the hive of honey bees? How tactfully they take a decision and implement it. This is what is required in virtual brains and that’s the reason, swarm intelligence is used in developing AI-based applications.

-Social Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence is paving ways in bringing human thinking in machines. From better understanding to decision making and associating with the world. But still, the social impact is missing. While going through various articles, I came across the video of our favourite video game Mario. Social Intelligence is being demonstrated in order to let the objects interact and associate with each other for better observation and understanding.

AI Mario is in a completely new look carrying social intelligence in it. Would not say more on it. It’s better to check out the video.

# 2] Use of Artificial Intelligence in Various Areas

-Medical: With the implementation of artificial intelligence in medical science, the diagnosis and medication of dreaded ailments have become possible. Neural networks is immensely used in analysing the blood samples, image interpretation and other complex analysis giving medics the accurate reports of the patient's health. Today; various equipment and advanced machines are easily available helping medics to medicate patients instantly.       

-Heavy Industry: Robotics combined with expert systems have evolved the working of heavy industries. The entire system is now fully automated and the controls are in the hands of machines. Robots are used to carry out various dangerous tasks that eliminate the requirement of manpower in these industries. To your notice, Japan is the leading country in the world which is investing ransom money and time in robotics research work and use.  

-Automobiles: Automobile industry is moving a step forward. Using artificial intelligence and deep learning, this industry is paving ways to design driverless cars in coming years. Google has already started with the project. Toyota, on the other hand, has invested million of dollars in machine learning to create cars that assist mobility both in and outdoors for less abled driving people.

-Gaming: Gaming industry is earning millions by developing games using advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, augmented reality and virtual Reality. These new games have seen a huge number of user engagement and enhanced playing experience allowing users to play with the intellectual machines that require better understanding and decision- making abilities.     

-Aviation: Aviation falls in the second position to be blessed with the cutting edge technology. Advances in sensor, computing and artificial intelligence are gradually eliminating the control of human pilots in the cockpit. Already, it’s been noticed that government is planning to replace co-pilots with the robots, who knows that these human-made machines would fly the plane using their intelligence. If this happens, the robots will use voice and speech recognition to communicate with other crew members or flight attendants.

-Legal Advisory: Artificial Intelligence has placed a huge impact on the legal profession. No printed papers, no working late nights to prepare documents on collected evidence. A few around the web AI-based applications will allow lawyers to simplify their work of legal research, document preparation, managing clients, data analysis and identify trends with accuracy maintained.

-Retail: Retail is surely in the span to get level and customers would relish a unique experience of shopping either online or storefronts. At stores, the trial rooms will help people in picking what best suits them providing a collection of outfits scrolling on the mirror.

-Finance: AI is a valuable resource to Finance. A number of banks and CA firms have invested millions of dollars in AI systems that help in detecting frauds. In coming years, this sector will be noticing a drastic change where in the robots will be assisting humans in all the works related to finance and banking. Whilst browsing the net, came across one interesting news that our next broker can be a computer which will guide us where to invest money.

# 3] Applications Developed Using AI

-Aipoly Vision: Aipoly vision is an object and color recognizer app helping blind, visually impaired and color blind users understand their surrounding. This app takes the captured image as an input and describes it loudly.     

-Amy: Amy is a personal assistant that schedules all the meetings and lets you focus completely on your job. She takes all the responsibilities to handle your clients and draft important emails. The only thing you need to do is keep Amy in CC. No need to sign-in, enter password or download, just cc:

-Siri: Siri is a voice-controlled personal assistant allowing Apple users to operate iPhone and its apps without unlocking it. For instance, calling, setting alarms or reminders, asking various questions. Similar applications, Cortana and Google Now are available for Windows Phone and Android users respectively that let user give voice commands making their task simpler.

-Eye Sense: Eye Sense is another app helping blind and visually impaired people perceive things through artificial eyes and enhance the human-to-human connection. The AI app also consists of features that are of a great value to mild cognitive impairment including memory, language and thinking skills.

-ELSA: The app is your personal English coach assisting you in improving your English speaking skills. As your PA, you can connect with it and talk as much as you can and it will guide you with your errors and how you can work on it to improve your communication.

-ROSS: Ross is an artificial intelligent lawyer helping human lawyers in quick legal research work and client advising. Using his own intelligence, Ross will answer all the questions cemented to law within friction of seconds which will suffice to understand the client’s case.


The space is just getting wider for Artificial Intelligence. There is a huge collection of blogs, articles, white papers written on the practices, research works and uses of AI in various fields. The surprising element of AI is, the applications that are developed have the involvement of those people who are actually gonna use it. Examples like Aipoly Vision is developed under the guidance of visually impaired people and now Microsoft is coming up with the same essence but different concept.

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