AAAA Answering Service
Business Phone Answering Company
Established in October 2003, AAAA Answering Service was created to meet the needs of the medical, legal and business professions. Our goal is to provide the best choice for your answering service needs, at a rate you can afford. We focus on handling all client calls in a timely and accurate manner, as well as, prompt and professional dispatching of you messages. Even with technology on the rise, we firmly believe callers expect and prefer a live operator over a confusing, often unreliable machine. Our experienced and professional operators are available 24 hours a day to take calls from your clients, patients or colleagues that you cannot afford to miss. We are committed to a high standard of excellence with a knowledgeable staff that can customize our program to meet the needs and expectations of your business. Our advanced system ensures all of your calls are accurately received and dispatched in the manner of your choice. With a variety of options delivering messages ranging from text/email to pagers (alpha or numeric) to verbal delivery/voicemail, we can make a personalized program to work for your office! So don’t miss one more important phone call…Contact our sales division today to find the perfect package for your business!!
Service Focus
- Answering Services - 100%
Industry Focus
- Business Services - 20%
- Consumer Products - 20%
- Healthcare & Medical - 20%
- Hospitality - 20%
- Information Technology - 20%
Client Focus
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