FocalPoint Coaching
Coaching & Training excellence
As a business owner, you have a focal point; we help with solutions that get you there. FocalPoint business coaches work with owners to achieve their individually defined goals. We will teach you how to navigate the road to success from hiring and training to day-to-day operations to selling the business at the right time for the right price. Contact us for a free consultation to find out if business coaching is right for you. And, if you are an executive looking for a new business opportunity, you might have what it takes to be a FocalPoint coach.
26500 Agoura Rd Suite 102-559,
< $25/hr
2 - 9
Service Focus
Focus of Business Services
- Training & Development - 100%
- Sales Training - 100%
Industry Focus
- Business Services - 20%
- Retail - 20%
- Social - 20%
- Startups - 20%
- Enterprise - 20%
Client Focus
100% Small Business
Detailed Reviews of FocalPoint Coaching
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