Innovating technology, transforming tomorrow

We specialize in providing top-notch products that prioritize ergonomics, security, and performance. By focusing on our customers, we can deliver customized solutions that exceed your expectations.
Our services include:

  1. Mobile and web application development: We create intuitive and functional applications for various platforms including iOS, Android, and web, using the latest technologies and frameworks.
  2. Custom software development: Whether you need a management software, a productivity tool, or an industry-specific solution, our team can design and develop software that meets your unique needs.
  3. Systems and API integration: We ensure seamless integration of your new applications and software with your existing systems, guaranteeing maximum interoperability and efficiency.
  4. Support and maintenance: Our commitment doesn't end at delivery. We offer ongoing technical support and maintenance services to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your applications and software.


Great Place To Work
Madagascar Madagascar
Mahajanga, Mahajanga, Mahajanga 401
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Web Development
  • HTML5 - 20%
  • CSS - 20%
  • CSS3 - 20%
  • PL/SQL - 20%
  • Vue.js - 20%
Focus of Software Development
  • PHP - 30%
  • Javascript - 20%
  • Laravel - 30%
  • Symfony - 20%
Focus of Mobile App Development
  • iOS - iPhone - 20%
  • Android - 20%
  • iOS - iPad - 20%
  • Hybrid - 40%
Focus of App Designing (UI/UX)
  • iPhone - 20%
  • Android - 20%
  • iPad - 20%
  • Full App - 40%
Focus of Web Designing (UI/UX)
  • Website - 20%
  • Landing Page - 20%
  • Logo Design - 20%
  • User Experience - 20%
  • Graphic Design - 20%
  • Adobe Illustrator - 20%
  • Figma - 40%
  • Photoshop - 40%

Industry Focus

  • Information Technology - 20%
  • Other Industries - 20%
  • Startups - 20%
  • Enterprise - 20%
  • Designing - 10%
  • Food & Beverages - 10%

Client Focus

40% Medium Business
30% Large Business
30% Small Business

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Client Portfolio of Morabe Innovation Technology

Project Industry

  • Manufacturing - 33.3%
  • Healthcare & Medical - 33.3%
  • Education - 33.3%

Major Industry Focus


Project Cost

  • $10001 to $50000 - 33.3%
  • $0 to $10000 - 66.7%

Common Project Cost

$0 to $10000

Project Timeline

  • 1 to 25 Weeks - 33.3%
  • 100+ Weeks - 66.7%

Project Timeline

100+ Weeks

Portfolios: 3

Stock Sale - Web App & PWA

Stock Sale - Web App & PWA

  • Stock Sale - Web App & PWA screenshot 1
$10001 to $50000
100+ weeks

StockSale est une application web conçue pour la gestion des ventes, des stocks et du personnel. Elle est également disponible en version mobile (PWA). Destinée principalement aux grandes entreprises de gros, cette application permet de gérer efficacement les opérations de vente, de suivre les niveaux de stock en temps réel et d'administrer les informations relatives au personnel. Avec StockSale, les grossistes peuvent optimiser leur gestion quotidienne, automatiser les processus, réduire les erreurs et améliorer la productivité de leur équipe.

- - - English version - - -

StockSale is a web application designed for managing sales, inventory, and personnel. It is also available in a mobile version (PWA). Primarily intended for large wholesale companies, this application enables efficient management of sales operations, real-time stock level tracking, and administration of personnel information. With StockSale, wholesalers can optimize their daily management, automate processes, reduce errors, and enhance team productivity.

Medidose - App Mobile

Medidose - App Mobile

  • Medidose - App Mobile screenshot 1
$0 to $10000
12 weeks
Healthcare & Medical

Medidose est une application mobile conçue pour doser la posologie des médicaments. Elle est spécialement utilisée par les professionnels de santé, tels que les pédiatres, les pharmaciens et les médecins généralistes. L'application demande le poids, l'âge du patient ainsi que le médicament à administrer, et calcule automatiquement la dose nécessaire en fonction des données fournies.

- - - English version - - -

Medidose is a mobile application designed to determine the correct dosage of medications. It is specifically used by healthcare professionals such as pediatricians, pharmacists, and general practitioners. The application requires the patient's weight, age, and the medication to be administered, and it automatically calculates the necessary dose based on the provided information.



  • EducAdmin screenshot 1
$0 to $10000
100+ weeks

EducAdmin est une application web dédiée à la gestion des établissements scolaires. Adaptée au système éducatif malgache, lui-même basé sur le système éducatif français, cette application peut être utilisée sans problème dans tous les pays partageant ce même système.Elle propose les modules suivants :

  • Rubrique étudiant : Cette fonctionnalité essentielle stocke toutes les informations concernant chaque élève, facilitant ainsi leur suivi et leur recherche.
  • Rubrique examen : Ce module permet d'enregistrer les évaluations effectuées, facilitant le suivi des performances des élèves et permettant aux responsables de prendre des décisions rapides.
  • Rubrique personnels : Ce module recense les informations sur le personnel, permettant d'identifier leurs compétences, leur statut et leur ancienneté, facilitant ainsi leur recherche, suivi et le calcul de leur salaire mensuel ou horaire.
  • Rubrique trésorerie : Cette rubrique permet de suivre en temps réel les mouvements financiers de l’établissement, assurant ainsi la traçabilité de toutes les recettes et dépenses effectuées.

- - - English version - - -

EducAdmin is a web application dedicated to managing educational institutions. Adapted to the Malagasy education system, which is based on the French educational system, this application can be used seamlessly in all countries sharing the same system. It offers the following modules:

  • Student Section: This essential feature stores all information about each student, facilitating their tracking and search.
  • Exam Section: This module records evaluations, aiding in monitoring student performance and enabling quick decision-making by administrators.
  • Staff Section: This module lists information about the staff, identifying their skills, status, and seniority, facilitating their tracking, search, and calculation of their monthly or hourly wages.
  • Treasury Section: This section tracks the institution's financial movements in real-time, ensuring the traceability of all income and expenditures.