Jeremy DELREY, CTO at A-Pharm
Posted on Apr 25, 2022
Development of an online drugstore with a high conversion customer journey map from an incredible IT team
We started with negotiations of the concept and the collection of the requirements. Then team provided us with the technical description of the store and a few mockups of it. After approving everything they start creating a solution.
I think that we're about 10-12 people in the team who worked with us. I remember that were designers, project manager, analysts and developers. As a result, we launched a shop and receiving profit from it, I think that's the best outcome. Also, we don't have any technical issues on the customer journey (from going to the platform to making a payment and receiving goods), that's a good result.
I think that we're about 10-12 people in the team who worked with us. I remember that were designers, project manager, analysts and developers. As a result, we launched a shop and receiving profit from it, I think that's the best outcome. Also, we don't have any technical issues on the customer journey (from going to the platform to making a payment and receiving goods), that's a good result.
What was the project name that you have worked with Smart Soft Team?
Development Online drugstore for the biggest provider of the medicines for the local region
What service was provided as part of the project?
Web Development, Web Designing (UI/UX), E-commerce Development
Describe your project in brief
Online shop for selling medicines. The main goal for us was to create a platform with good UX/UI Design and good functionality, in other words, something in the balance between these two things.
Also, with good SEO optimisation and integrated with out IT infrestructure.
What is it about the company that you appreciate the most?
Everything was very easygoing and fast, that's unique nowadays, especially in IT services.
What was it about the company that you didn't like which they should do better?
I wish them only high growth without losing the same quality.
Rating Breakdown
- Quality
- Schedule & Timing
- Communication
- Overall Rating
Project Detail
- $10001 to $50000
- Completed