Artificial Intelligence for Human Behavior

Summit Analytics, LLC is your one-stop shop for data science needs. We bring years of leadership, teaching/training, and data science experience to help your business thrive.
You may be asking yourself, “What is data science and where would we use it?”
Data Science is the science of using data to answer questions. Perhaps you have high customer turnover/churn and want to identify why. Do you want to know which users are likely to commit financial fraud? Would you want to identify what behaviors and features drive a user to purchase or abandon their shopping cart? Do you want to predict revenue for the next year by implementing a new product? Are you concerned that you aren’t collecting the right data or enough data?

United States United States
Summit Analytics, 2590 Walnut St #22, Denver, CO 80205, Denver, Colorado 80205
720 583 5888
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Big Data & BI
  • Data Analytics - 50%
  • Big Data - 50%

Client Focus

100% Small Business

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