Blockchain technology and cryptography

In the year of 2013, X Chain Technology started a Strategic layout in the Blockchain training industry here in Toronto. Now the company has grown and consist of many of our Blockchain resources and training  such as  X Blockchain Labs, X Cloud, and X Chainbase.Our cutting-edge team of professional Blockchain developers are here to train industrial and personal developers with the most advanced technology and information in this field.

Canada Canada
9131 Keele St, Concord, Ontario L4K 0G7
Canada Canada
675 Cochrane Dr, Markham, Ontario L3R 0B8
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Cloud Computing Services
  • Amazon (AWS) - 25%
  • Google App Engine - 25%
  • Azure - 25%
  • Cloud Security - 25%
Focus of Blockchain Technology
  • Private Blockchain Development - 100%

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