Landing Page

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a single page of a website that appears when someone clicks on a search engine optimized (SEO) search result or advertising.

Landing Page

A landing page is the very first web page that a visitor or customer will “land” on when they open the website. A lot of landing pages are also called “home pages” (although the two can be different), which basically expresses itself as the first thing a viewer sees upon visiting the site.

What do you ideally first see when you visit any website? Chances are, you will find a simple interface that includes just a couple of phrases of text with a call to action that incentivizes the viewer to continue on to the main site. There are typically two types of landing pages: click through pages and lead generation pages. With click through pages, a customer will be encouraged to click through to the next page of the website. A lead generation page is meant to catch specific data, encouraging a user to type in a specific type of information without necessarily needing to encourage them to click through to the rest of the site.

Key Elements of Landing Pages

There are several elements of a good and successful landing page that can be broken apart and analyzed as important components of the landing page formula:

  • Simplistic Design – many landing pages involve a low-opacity photograph in the background, with a couple of pieces of text and a call to action button in sharp view to catch the reader’s eye. Having too much clutter on a landing page can overwhelm the viewer and distract from the main context that explains the purpose and services of the site.
  • A Clear Call to Action – Calls to action are vitally important in the world of web design. Including a button such as “Get my personalized quote”, “Start your free trial today”, or “Reserve your spot today” can influence customers to click through to the main website right away.
  • Right Typography – Typography plays an integral role in turning visitors into customers. It sets the tone, theme and message of the landing page. Ensure it is inline with your website and brand.

Key Considerations

There are a few things to consider when creating a sleek and crisp landing page. Ask yourself the following questions to determine what elements should be included for a successful landing page:

  • What is the target audience? Who are you trying to target? Is your website advertising a good or a service? The aesthetic design of the landing page can differ based on your answers.
  • What is the number one feature of your website? Trulia does not spend time talking about real estate listings or available homes in the market. It simply wants to advertise the fact that customers can receive a personalized home estimate, which attracts customers to it more.

Having a clear and simple message, a call to action button, and an aesthetic style that does not distract or over-complicate the viewer is the key to pulling in successful traffic.