Software Testing

What is Software Testing?

Software testing is the process of verifying if the software is fit for use or not by detecting software bugs.

Software Testing

Software testing should be fairly self-explanatory. It’s the process of vetting developed software or apps for bugs and flaws, identifying those problems, fixing them, and then testing the software again. In addition to bugs and flaws, testers also ensure that specific functionality is available, that specified features work as they’re supposed to, and more.

The Role of Software Testing

Nothing exists in a perfect state, least of all software. Fragments of code, incorrectly implemented code and other problems can create serious flaws that greatly reduce the usability of software or the stability of an app. If software were released to a client or to the public without being fully tested, the end result would not be pretty.

Software testing falls into several different areas and can be done for more than one purpose, depending on the situation and the development method being followed (conventional software development or agile software development, for instance).

Many forms of software testing are ongoing – they take place across the development life cycle of the software. For instance, during development, each component of the software would be tested not only for operation on its own, but for operation in conjunction with other modules or components of the software.

Software testing can also be performed in order to verify that the piece of software or app meets client specifications and use scenarios. During this process, testers will verify that all functionality is present and all features work as expected. The software will also be tested to ensure that it meets technical requirements stated by the client, and also meets business requirements.

Types of Testing

Software testing can take many different forms. Below, we’ll explore a couple of these.

Dynamic Testing: Dynamic software testing requires that the code within the software be activated in order to identify flaws or bugs. This is usually done during the process of validation.

Static Testing: Static software testing does not activate any code, and is usually done through static analysis and documentation reviews, and is most often part of the verification process.

Important Considerations for Software Testing

In order for testing to be successful, several important considerations need to be made, including the following:

Planned – All testing must be completely planned from the outset. All testing activities should be controlled according to the plan created prior to the start of testing.

Prepared – Testers and developers must be prepared and should be able to choose not only the conditions under which testing occurs, but which tests are run.

Evaluated – Test results do not necessarily “speak for themselves”. They must be fully evaluated in light of test conditions, test types, and any other factors that might have precipitated the results found.

Testing is a crucial part of the software development life cycle, and there are usually several rounds of testing performed. Depending on the number and types of flaws and bugs discovered during testing, the software could go back into development once more, or it could be delivered to the client with fixes for bugs delivered through maintenance later on.