The Art & Science of Creating Transformative Digital Experience

Move over digitization, it’s time for digital transformation (DX) - a transformation that is inspiring businesses around the world to embrace new business models and explore new markets. However, what makes this transformation ‘experience’ is the way the digital revolution is inspiring organizations to change the way it is driven - from business model to strategy, employees, customer interaction, and operations.

But, the most definitive change is that it is no longer the businesses that are driving the change in the digital space, but the customers.

It is their need and their journey that constructs your business strategy. Businesses now are shifting focus from traditional, offline strategies and investing in offering a transformative digital experience to their customers that is personalized and preferably multichannel.  

The digital world is expanding into new markets - spreading wings beyond the web and mobile app development space to wider avenues. This comprises of Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Big Data/Analytics, and Cryptocurrency amongst many.

In fact, the 2018 Digital Transformation Index from Futurum Research has revealed that nearly 65% of companies feel positive about their ability to adapt to technological disruption by 2020. Moreover, at the heart of all the developments is the ultimate goal to deliver an enhanced customer experience and customer satisfaction.

Decoding the Science of Digital Transformation

Talking about digital transformation, it is very important to understand what it means and what businesses are expected to get out of it. Simply speaking, the transformative digital experience is a unification of digital technology into the various facets of a business. It disrupts, empowers and transforms the very fundamentals of how an organization functions – with the end goal of delivering superior customer experience to their customers.

However, it is to be noted that the science of digital transformation can vary from business to business, as it is all about the application of digital technology. Starting from products & processes to assets required for boosting efficiency, manage risk or explore new monetization opportunities. So, it isn’t about enhancing traditional methods, but creating new processes that transform the way business operates and delivers value to customers.

Source: IDG’s 2018 State of Digital Business Transformation

The statistics very much hints at the emerging trends of how the world is getting ready to imbibe the art and science of creating a transformative digital experience for their customers. Businesses that transform digitally are known to create highly engaged customers.

And believe it or not, highly engaged customers purchase 90 percent more frequently and even spend 60 percent more per purchase.

Now, isn’t that fabulous?

With The Technology of Mobile Applications...

Mobile apps top the list when it comes to the various assets’ businesses harness to up their digital transformation strategy. Much credit can be given to smartphones and tablets considering their dominance as one of the most preferred devices for communication and internet usage alike.

This is a huge boost to mobile app development companies who are at their competitive best to consistently innovate mobile app development strategy that revolves around enhancing business operational processes and improving customer experience.

Some popular ones are:

- Mobile apps as engagement tools involve generating push notifications for coupons, sales, and promotions, to embedding enhanced functionalities within the app interface, such as directives and tutorials.

- Mobile apps to enhance user experience has been successfully used by ecommerce entities to enhance their user experience. A study into user buying behavior shows that offering the ability to access their favorite shopping platform with just an ‘icon’ tap on mobile plays a crucial role in maximizing the number of impulse purchases, as 54.5% of the shoppers favor e-commerce apps the most for online buying. Users have been quick to reciprocate to the ease mobile apps bring like push notifications for new messages, listing, auctions, besides other in-app activities.

- Mobile apps have been proactively harnessed by businesses big and small to drive brand recognition and loyalty. A large population of users spending a considerable part of their active hours on mobile phones (Millennials check their phones more than 150 times a day!). Consumer brands can cash on this opportunity to build mobile apps aligned to their company’s digital transformation strategy that engages, recognizes and rewards customer loyalty.

- On-demand mobile apps powered by Geolocation feature helps boosts productivity. They are largely used as taxi booking apps, food delivery apps and in the retail industry to track deliveries. It is also widely used by travelers to find related information like the nearest restaurant, bank, gym, etc. based on their current location.

Source: Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

Enhancing Customer Experience with the Art of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation or DX is more than just about digital technology, but also about human interactions and experiences delivered by innovatively solving traditional problems.

Digital transformation not only helps improve the experience of an organization’s employees, partners, customers and, vendors, it also inspires a thought resolution at the highest level. Here transformative digital experience can be ushered by taking a customer-centric view and aligning the customer’s experience to sales performance.

When Art Meets Science…

Consumer marketers are excited about mapping customer journeys and building big data tools to gather touchpoint intelligence. Equal importance is also given to leverage social media to encompass and optimize every prevailing moment of omnichannel engagement. This is again an endeavor towards steering a transformative digital experience that is personalized and accessible.

Remember, a ‘customer journey’ besides being the framework of customer experience while engaging with a brand also includes the interactions with digital media, word-of-mouth, social and service interactions to name a few (reinforcing the importance of positive reputation for the success of a business!). Also known as the Touchpoints, they are the physical or digital enablers in the customer’s journey -like websites, sales networks, and retail spaces.

After all, it is all about knowing your customers well which is synonymous to any industry we look at be it start-ups, healthcare, retail, travel, or digital agencies. This can be very well articulated with SaaS applications inclusive of customer databases, Big Data analytics, web and mobile apps.

An experienced and reliable software development company can be a great strategic partner in turning your ideas to action by assisting in app development. This way you can take your business to a completely new level where other businesses will look forward to associate with you.

So, a perfect collaboration of a great idea and superior expertise is necessary to transform a business and make it a success.

In a Nutshell

Businesses are transforming fast and decision-making power is shifting to consumer's hands. Therefore, if you want to make big changes happen the right way for the betterment of people, society, and business, then you must focus on your customers, their need and preferences. Knowing and mapping your customer journeys will unlock the door to future possibilities to make your businesses better, interactive and more profitable.

Remember, in this highly competitive time, it is the survival of the most transformative best.