Animation Services

Amazing Studios is a video production, animation and sound studio focused on creating impactful and engaging content marketing and original entertainment. We tell stories worth sharing… and we’ve won some awards for it. We create strong relationships with our clients and don’t take ourselves too seriously…we like to make working together fun and productive! We strive to be different in our work and shoot for excellence in everything we do. We are passionate about giving back and building a strong community. We look forward to each new day because we get to wake up and do what we love most - create!

United States United States
608 Stellata Dr Fuquay-, Raleigh, North Carolina 27526
$25 - $49/hr
10 - 49

Service Focus

Focus of Animation & Multimedia
  • 2D - 30%
  • Animation - 70%

Industry Focus

  • Education - 50%
  • Retail - 50%

Client Focus

90% Small Business
10% Medium Business

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