Saudi Arabia had a past history of transportation system with Camels “the ship of desert”. But gone are those days, oil riches and technology persuaded us to adopt the most modern systems of transport. Saudi Arabia is one of the world’s largest consumer countries and hence imports are its prime business as far as shipment movement is concerned. But definitely we have good movements of exports too. logistics

During late 70’s ARABCO Logistics took birth as an Air Cargo Agency to be a part of extensive cargo movements of those days. Quickly we positioned ourselves in the market with a unique service combined with utmost dedication & promptness. Now by the start of this millennium ARABCO Logistics is fully equipped with modern technicalities, expert professionals and dedicated staff to cater our valued customers with a multimodal transport system.

Our greatest asset is our highly trained, dedicated and responsible staff, always ready to move an extra step to the fullest satisfaction of our clients. Our current manpower is more than 250 of various levels from top management to courier boys. Our personnel have a clear vision of the future and it is our collective effort that gives fuel to our tremendous onward movement.

Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Po Box. 17488, Riyadh, Riyadh 11484
< $25/hr
10 - 49

Service Focus

Focus of Supply Chain & Logistics
  • Freight Forwarding - 50%
  • Logistics & Transportation - 50%

Industry Focus

  • Automotive - 20%
  • Business Services - 20%
  • Consumer Products - 20%
  • Transportation & Logistics - 20%
  • Retail - 20%

Client Focus

100% Small Business

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