International Forwarding

Av-Dor Express Line Ltd., a fully authorized forwarding agency in Israel, is the result of the successful merger (2001) of two leading companies in the Israeli forwarding market:
Av-Dor International Forwarders & Consultants Ltd. and Express Lines Ltd, thereby doubling the power and influence in the local market and opening new horizons for the company's abilities.
By merging we proved that 1+1 = 3, supporting our customers with more service for less of a price.

As one of the pioneers in Israeli trade with the Far East markets, we are fully experienced with all the complicated and sometimes frustrating requirements and necessities for both import and export in the region.

As the agent in Israel representing SAVINO DEL BENE, the Italian group of companies’ active in over 130 countries around the globe, we are able to provide efficient logistic solutions according to our client’s individual needs.

Israel Israel
Habonim 8 Ramat Gan, Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv 52462
50 - 249

Service Focus

Focus of Supply Chain & Logistics
  • Air Freight - 25%
  • Rail Freight - 25%
  • Ocean Freight - 25%
  • Logistics & Transportation - 25%

Industry Focus

  • Automotive - 25%
  • Manufacturing - 25%
  • Transportation & Logistics - 25%
  • Industrial - 25%

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