Bernard’s is a boutique, business consulting company that works with top executives to help make more informed decision making and transform them into sustainable success. We specialize in assisting companies to develop comprehensive business plans, secure attractive growth capital, become more efficient and cost effective, automate business and financial processes, create accurate reports and prepare for future capital raising and IPOs. Our team has a wealth of experience in diverse industries around the world, including Cosmetics, Fashion, Technology, Marketing, Logistics, Media, Healthcare, Tourism, Shipping and many more. Our team has enormous experience in various industries such as Cosmetics, Fashion, Technology, Marketing, Logistics, Media, Healthcare, Tourism, Shipping and many more.

Greece Greece
Amerikis 20, Kolonaki, Athens, Attica 10671
30 21 0363 7950
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Business Services
  • Management Consulting - 100%

Industry Focus

  • Financial & Payments - 100%

Client Focus

100% Small Business

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