Blue Cloud Development

Blue Cloud Development was founded for one reason: To provide high-level modern software, web, network, and marketing solutions providing small and medium-sized businesses access to technical tools used by Fortune 500 companies for an affordable price. The goal of this is endeavor is to provide small, medium, and start-ups opportunities for economic and social upward mobility. There is an altruistic aspect to this. It is my hope that by providing these services at an affordable price to business entities that may otherwise never have access to these tools, either because of cost, or a lack of access. This intended to create competition across industries, supplying smaller and medium-size companies an increased chance to move into a different tax bracket. Blue Cloud Development aims to empower every business with technologies to even the playing field. It is the belief of that the power of technology should not be solely in the hands of giant organizations. The affordability of both our services and hardware serves to enable our partners and customers to exponentially improve sales, reduce overhead, and compete at a higher echelon.

United States United States
2197 State Route 222, Bethel, Clermont, Ohio 45106
10 - 49

Service Focus

Focus of Web Development
  • Wordpress - 25%
  • Drupal - 25%
  • Joomla - 25%
  • Sitecore - 25%
Focus of Software Development
  • Java - 25%
  • PHP - 25%
  • Javascript - 25%
  • Python - 25%
Focus of Web Designing (UI/UX)
  • Graphic Design - 100%
  • Adobe Illustrator - 25%
  • Adobe InDesign - 25%
  • InVision - 25%
  • Photoshop - 25%
Focus of Digital Marketing
  • Branding - 100%

Client Focus

50% Small Business
40% Medium Business
10% Large Business

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