Blue Tie SEO

Structure + Strategy = Results.

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Every business needs a website, period! That statement used to enough. If you just had a website you where in the game. Just having any old website in today's market doesn’t cut the mustard anymore. The focus from Google on separating local search results from national search results has created a huge opportunity for a local business. What Google realized is the most valuable search result they could serve to a local search query is a local company. To maximize your opportunities all you need is a well optimized website. Optimizing your website into your number your top producing sales person is our mission.

2016 was the year mobile search surpassed desktop search. The world is on the move and it is not showing any signs of slowing down. So how do you set yourself up to maximize those opportunities? The two biggest things you can do is to have a mobile ready website that is fully optimized for your service and your geographical location. The second is proper placement in Google maps listings. is a team of web designers that specialize in local website optimization. In other words we set up websites that tell Google you are a local business. Google in turn will render your website in the search results in real time to people who are searching for your products or services in your local market at the time they are most likely to buy your products or services. What a way to grow an empire!

< $25/hr
2 - 9
United States
101 N Main St Suite 301, Greenville, South Carolina 29601

Focus Areas

Service Focus

  • BPO Services
  • Web Designing (UI/UX)
  • Digital Marketing

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