Calyfone Communications
Website Developer
Calyfone Web Agency provides comprehensive IT solution, Printing Solution and Business Promotion services include Website Designing, Website Maintenance, Website Redesigning, Search Engine Submission, Search Engine Optimization, E-commerce solutions, Web Promotion, Intranet application development, multimedia presentation, flash web site, catalogue Designing, Graphic Designing, Catalogue Printing and Novelties. Calyfone Web Agency is happy to offer you a wide range of business services to meet immediate and future needs of organizations and institutions globally. We at Calyfone Web Agency to provide complete business solutions to all the Big and Small organizations.
We have a wide range of technical expertise including E-commerce Solution, Website Design, high quality Web Hosting services, Graphice Designing. Our passion is to partner with clients who embrace fresh, big picture ideas that help to evolve their marketing to a new level that ensures the future success of their business.
We have a good balance of designers, programmers and leaders. Our diverse talented team is our greatest asset. We have a base of technical consultants who can design pages for clients wanting simple, brochure-quality internet advertising or for clients wanting high class complex online business applications. The diversity and size of our team helps us to produce results that are better than a smaller Business Promotion company.
Service Focus
- Wordpress - 100%
Industry Focus
- Advertising & Marketing - 35%
- Business Services - 35%
- Information Technology - 30%