A Factoring Company for Small Business

The programs offered by Capital Credit are extremely flexible in many different ways. We have receivable funding programs that can meet all of your financial needs and help you meet the operational expense challenges that you come across on a regular basis. We can also help you fill temporary financial voids, or we can become the permanent way that your company handles its cash flow. In the end, the choice is yours. We have had plenty of customers who have come to us looking for a temporary solution, but they wound up making us a permanent part of the way they do business.

Our application process requires only that you fill out and submit a two-page application. Capital Credit can make a decision the same day that we get your completed application packaged. Once we decide to approve your application, we can have your account fully operational in as little as three business days. Our process allows us to advance funds to your account within 24 hours of approving an invoice. We are fast enough to be the temporary solution you need to fill in the economic holes, and we are reliable enough to become a permanent part of the way your company operates.

United States United States
7301 RR 620 North, Suite 155, , Austin, Texas 78726
1 (800) 818 4946
$25 - $49/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Business Services
  • Factoring - 100%
  • Invoice Factoring - 100%

Industry Focus

  • Business Services - 100%

Client Focus

70% Small Business
30% Medium Business

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