Delivering Your Products and Your Competitive Edge

Founded in 1989, CHRISTY DISTRIBUTION is a 3rd Party Logistics (3PL) company and industry leader in warehousing, order fulfillment and supply chain logistics.  We are a certified minority-owned (WBE) business with a history of working with companies to leverage their supply chain operations to gain a competitive edge, increase market share and achieve measurable business results. What makes CHRISTY unique is our ability to integrate our proven strategic resources – people, facilities, technology, and services – to help companies achieve their goals.

United States United States
2412 Lynx Ln, Orlando, Florida 32804
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Supply Chain & Logistics
  • Third Party Logistics - 25%
  • Warehousing - 25%
  • Supply Chain Operations - 25%
  • Logistics & Transportation - 25%

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