Coding Crafts
Deliver Your Ideas To Reality
Launching a new product can be an exhilarating experience for startups, but the journey can also come with significant challenges and a steep learning curve, particularly for technology-based startups. What if you could access a team of highly experienced engineers who are solely focused on your product? Enter Coding Crafts - your startup's launch pad. Our teams of skilled engineers will work alongside you to bring your ideas to life, providing you with the confidence to succeed. Our objective is to establish an efficient, cost-effective, and enjoyable software development and delivery process. We take pride in our sophisticated work pyramid, which adapts to the specific requirements of our clients. As leaders in cutting-edge IT solutions, we believe in collective learning, and our teams continuously work with our clients to ensure they understand the software development process, making it as predictable as possible.
Service Focus
- HTML - 15%
- HTML5 - 10%
- CSS - 15%
- Bootstrap - 20%
- CSS3 - 10%
- Webpack - 10%
- React Router - 10%
- Sass - 10%
Industry Focus
- Information Technology - 40%
- Healthcare & Medical - 30%
- Social - 15%
- Startups - 15%
Client Focus
Detailed Reviews of Coding Crafts
Client Portfolio of Coding Crafts
Project Industry
- Healthcare & Medical - 20.0%
- Enterprise - 20.0%
- Information Technology - 20.0%
- Education - 20.0%
- Social - 20.0%
Major Industry Focus
Project Cost
- Not Disclosed - 100.0%
Common Project Cost
Project Timeline
- Not Disclosed - 80.0%
- 51 to 100 Weeks - 20.0%
Project Timeline
Clients: 5
- Eternally
- roomie
- Krypton
- earthfund
- yogajoint
Portfolios: 5