Compute Avenue (Earlier called IMAC Services)
AI (artificial intelligence) and Simulation Venue
At Compute Avenue, we excel in diverse expertise domains, which is why we've established dedicated groups to address specific types of challenges. Our global clientele spans the world, with a significant portion conducting their business exclusively online.
Founded by professionals with backgrounds from IITs and extensive mainstream experience, Industrial Modelling and Analytics Consulting Services (IMAC Services) shines as one of Eastern India's premier small-scale advanced analytics consultancies.
What sets us apart is our identity as problem solvers rather than mere sellers. Our specialty lies in numerical modeling, AI application, and advanced analytics for solving business challenges and enhancing productivity. We predominantly serve the finance, banking, operational optimization, reliability engineering, and computational simulations sectors.
Service Focus
- Deep Learning - 20%
- Machine Learning - 30%
- NLP - 10%
- TensorFlow - 40%