Computer Troubleshooters Sarasota

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We offer high-quality, affordable computer repair and troubleshooting services, plus a range of IT services including data backup and recovery, security services, remote support services, and managed services. We cater to your computer needs with personalized care and service whether it is for family or commercial use.

CT Sarasota is locally owned and operated, but is backed by the power of the Computer Troubleshooters Global family. As the largest international computer services franchise, we are able to bring world-class technology services and solutions right to your door. The rapid changes and developments in the technology industry have a direct effect on every computer user whether they are working on a laptop at their livingroom table or as a part of a network in a large organization. You can rely on CT Sarasota to provide you with the tools, knowledge and guidance to be able to make the most of the technology you use every day.

We understand the technology needs of the small business owner because we are a small business, too. We spend time getting to know you and your business so we can provide solutions that are aligned with your current technology needs and budget. We also gain an understanding of your future goals, so as your business grows and evolves you can rest easy knowing that your technology is also prepared to grow with you.

Are you worried about your home computers as well? So are we! The security of your systems and data is a critical issue that we are very passionate about. We know it is very important for you to be able to access your files and the internet when you need it. That is why we offer a wide range of solutions to keep your systems working properly and safely.

We believe that in getting to know you and your family or your business, we become your trusted IT Service advisor. We build a relationship together to help effectively manage your technology.

$50 - $99/hr
2 - 9
United States
2831 University Parkway , Sarasota, Florida 34243

Focus Areas

Service Focus

  • IT Services

Client Focus

  • Small Business
  • Medium Business

Industry Focus

  • Information Technology

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