Designing drafting

Designing drafting is an engineering consultancy company specializing in BIM (Building Information Modeling) and CAD services for the building and design industries. We aid contractors, primary and specialist consultants, architects, engineers, and building managers in incorporating and using the benefits of BIM technology into their initiatives whilst also staying within their deterministic timelines, norms, and budget control, ensuring the highest value for money. With versatile experts in structural, Architectural, and MEP experience, our engineering team has the experience and key competencies to meet the needs of any difficult projects anywhere else in the world. We simplify our services to complement and cater to their already requirements. 

United States United States
102-12, Arlington, Arlington, Virginia 22201
1 708-381-0900
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Engineering Services
  • 3D Modeling & CAD - 35%
  • Architecture - 35%
  • Interior Design - 30%

Client Focus

100% Small Business

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