Volume Shipments

Diversified Transportation Services Has Been Serving the Shipping Community Since 1990

As a top tier freight shipping and logistics company, we have been delivering supply chain solutions for 30 years. Our main focus as a 3PL provider is to help our clients take cost out of their supply chain spend by reducing administrative and transportation costs, providing multiple carrier options, and exceptional customer service. Our expedited domestic and international shipping services include LTL, FTL, managed transportation, volume & partial TL, just in time (JIT) logistics, custom critical, and more.

United States United States
102 2nd Street East , Whitefish, Montana 59937
United States United States
105 N Virginia Avenue Suite 306 , Falls Church, Virginia 22046
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Supply Chain & Logistics
  • Third Party Logistics - 34%
  • Air Freight - 33%
  • Trucking - 33%

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