Providing Solutions and Alternatives in HRM

Our story begins with the founding of Dolphin Temporary & Permanent Personnel in 1969. Dorothy Dolphin, a widowed mother of three young children, established the company after having spent nearly eight years as an employee of a large, national temporary staffing company. Her rise from receptionist to branch manager of the company's largest producing office gave her the confidence and experience to strike out on her own and begin her career as a business owner and successful entrepreneur before anyone knew what the word meant.

Using $1500 from her personal savings account, Dorothy opened Dolphin Temporary & Permanent Personnel in a small, rented office located in the First Federal building (soon to be demolished to make way for the IDS Center) in downtown Minneapolis.

Working 60+ hours per week in an effort to make her new business a success, and after two consecutive months of persistent sales efforts to solicit new business, Dorothy received an order for 40 temporary employees from the personnel manager at a prominent Minneapolis law firm. It was the defining moment that effectively put Dolphin Temporary & Permanent Personnel on the road to growth and prominence in the Twin Cities staffing industry. Nine months later, Dorothy hired her first employee. A year later, she hired her second. And within a mere four years, Dorothy had transformed Dolphin Temporary & Permanent Personnel into Dolphin Temporary Help Services, Inc., the largest independent temporary staffing service in Minnesota.

United States United States
17 Washington Ave. N Suite 590, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401
< $25/hr
50 - 249

Service Focus

Focus of Business Services
  • HR - 100%

Industry Focus

  • Other Industries - 100%

Client Focus

100% Small Business

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