Real estate services

Though the founding of our company is not nearly as earth shifting as when Jeff Bezos quixotically envisioned and started Amazon in 1994, we believe our firm is truly an advancement from the standard commercial real estate brokerage model. It is unique because although we are a real estate brokerage, the company operates much like an advertising agency, a primarily digital one. We believe this small distinction is visionary. Gone are they days when one had to go to a commercial broker just to be able to get access to commercial listings. Even buyers and renters with agents go to the internet first when looking for property, and continue to do so independently while having an agent represent them. We pride ourselves on being a "new school" brokerage that is high tech.

United States United States
108 W 2nd St #307, Los Angeles, California 90013
< $25/hr
10 - 49

Service Focus

Focus of Real Estate
  • Property Management - 100%

Industry Focus

  • Advertising & Marketing - 50%
  • Real Estate - 30%
  • Financial & Payments - 20%

Client Focus

100% Small Business

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