Expect Perfection

Each Time We Get Paid, We Give Back

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You’re donating to charity each time you order from us. And we were giving before it was fashionable. In addition to regularly offering time and talent, since at least 2013, we’ve donated a minimum of $2 out of every $100 earned to charities devoted to Human Rights; Social Justice; advancing Black culture; family dynamics; and other health & environmental issues affecting quality of life for under-represented members of society.

Stable & Community-Oriented

4We’ve been “teleworking” since 2010. While the rest of the world struggles to adjust to working online due to the Coronavirus pandemic, web-based working was always our primary format. We’re well-equipped to securely and expertly handle your projects just as quickly, competently, and accurately as we always have.

2ALL members and allies of under-served communities receive special pricing. The U.S. wealth gap is most severe for African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans in this country. We do what we can to level the playing field for these groups. Our discounted service rates cover this community, and as of August 2020, extend to the organizations working directly for their benefit.

3ALL students and faculty receive discounted rates. Being a debt-burdened student or under-resourced teaching professional is challenging and stressful. And U.S. student loan debt is higher than it’s ever been. We seek to make it easier for every person in academia by offering you discounted rates on every order.

Innovative & Quality-Committed


Get the highest accuracy in the industry. Literally. We promised minimum 99.5%+ guaranteed accurate transcription years before other services promised anything. And still, 99% is about the highest the more ambitious services can muster, although that extra .5% difference can mean dozens of time-consuming challenges, causing more stress and 11th-hour editing for you.


The first company to offer a detailed, fully transparent accuracy guarantee. We were THE first transcription company to do it. Now, even “the big guys” are biting our style, trying to compete with us by guaranteeing the quality of their work. Put your trust in the originators—and still the only ones with an enforceable guarantee that actually protects YOU, the consumer.

$50 - $99/hr
2 - 9
United States
806 Oberlin Rd., #10023,, Raleigh, North Carolina 27605

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  • Business Services

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  • Small Business
  • Medium Business

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  • Business Services

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