Ghost Book Writers
Create Ideas With Our Imaginations and Transform
Ghost Book Writers enjoy the privilege of narrating hearts, the art immersing many in the literary world. We create ideas with our imaginations and transform them into sweet, musky papers. Our writers envelop their creativity into words, divulging stories with a sense of belonging.
With Ghost Book Writers, the possibilities of exploring the world of genres are endless. Books written with you, for you, are assets we project to the world. Our model focuses on helping authors unleash their ideation and creations to literature fans, ruling their hearts.
Plaza 8 Kd Tower, Cotterells,
Hemel Hempstead,
< $25/hr
50 - 249
Service Focus
Focus of Writing Services
- Copywriting - 10%
- Creative Writing - 20%
- Editing & Proofreading - 10%
- Technical Writing - 20%
- Content Writing - 20%
- Website Copywriting - 20%