IT recruiting in Kyiv, Ukraine

GLOBRECS | Global Recruitment Solutions is a boutique company specializing in fast and accurate IT recruitment services. We are more than just a recruiting company, but a resource that provides education, useful information, and IT staffing expertise. We are committed to achieving excellence in the services provided to both our clients and job seekers. Our consultants directly approach true talents throughout the world and thus they save clients' time and money in the search for the best candidates. In the process of our search we focus on those candidates whose expertise and skills, their passion for what they do and their values perfectly match the requirements of our clients. Our specialty: IT recruiting services for Software and Hardware Development Companies, FMCG, Finance, Insurance, Retail, Pharmaceutical, Medicine and Pharmacy, Science, Logistics, B2B, Telecom, Construction, and Automotive industries.

Ukraine Ukraine
Konstantinovskaya Str, 36, Office 2, Kyiv, kyiv 04071
+48 884 620 806
$50 - $99/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Business Services
  • Staffing - 50%
  • Recruitment - 50%

Industry Focus

  • Business Services - 100%

Client Focus

70% Small Business
30% Medium Business

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