A boutique management consulting firm

Greenwich Strategy is a boutique management consulting firm based in Providence, RI, founded in 1997 by former Bain & Co. consultants. We work for world-class investment funds and operating companies. Our small size and senior staff involvement are at the core of why we provide a superior caliber service. Greenwich Strategy supports better decision making through intensive primary research and thoughtful, probing analysis. Some of our clients refer to us as “puzzle solvers”. What's going to happen with the profitability of the US airline industry over the coming five years? How many golf carts will be sold in the coming ten years? What's the capacity utilization of the data center industry, and where is it going to go? These are the sorts of questions clients hire us to answer.

United States United States
123 Dyer Street, Third Floor, Providence, Rhode Island 02903
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Business Services
  • Management Consulting - 100%

Industry Focus

  • Business Services - 20%
  • Consumer Products - 20%
  • Telecommunication - 20%
  • Designing - 20%
  • Legal & Compliance - 20%

Client Focus

100% Small Business

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