We Specialize In Delivering Lasting IT Solutions.

HawkPoint Technologies was founded in 2003, with a software specifically for paper converting. Our in-depth knowledge of both the paper industry and manufacturing operations allowed us to design tailored solutions to overcome the unique challenges found within these industries.

As HawkPoint has evolved over the past 19 years, our knowledge in industries and systems has grown. Today, we offer business advisory and managed services to all industries. We do still offer our paper and printing software solution, but this is only one of many tools that we use to optimize efficiency, improve processes and streamline technologies, for businesses throughout Wisconsin and the United States.

United States United States
101 West Edison Avenue, Appleton, Wisconsin 54915
(920) 882-8720
< $25/hr
10 - 49

Service Focus

Focus of IT Services
  • Cyber Security - 35%
  • IT & Networking - 35%
  • IT Consulting - 30%

Industry Focus

  • Advertising & Marketing - 100%

Client Focus

80% Small Business
20% Medium Business

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