Injury Attorneys

We have spent more than 40 years representing clients in civil trials. Our lead attorney, Thomas Johnson, has spent the majority of his career defending insurance companies and corporations in complex lawsuits. Johnson knows how insurance adjusters and inside counsel operate, how juries make decisions, and why judges rule on one side or the other on specific issues. Now, this wealth of intimate experience with defendants is used by our team to represent plaintiff victims and achieve better results, avoid litigation pitfalls, and win more cases.

United States United States
11932 Arbor Street, Suite 101, Omaha, Nebraska 68144
10 - 49

Service Focus

Focus of Law Firms
  • Accident Law - 100%

Industry Focus

  • Advertising & Marketing - 20%
  • Business Services - 20%
  • Financial & Payments - 20%
  • Healthcare & Medical - 20%
  • Information Technology - 20%

Client Focus

100% Small Business

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