Meet your shipping needs.

Based in Houston, TX, LNC Logistics uses the latest technology to work with clients, fleets and transport specialists to arrange efficient and economical shipping across the US. As a logistics company, LNC Logistics takes care of all the details. We match our clients’ freight with the most safe, efficient and economical mode(s) of transport.

Since 2018, Luis Corona, Founder & CEO, and his team have isolated a few key pitfalls and market niches. With combined experience of over 30 years, LNC Logistics understands the logistics marketplace and have utilized proprietary technology to provide on-demand, cost-effective and eco-friendly solutions

United States United States
507 N Sam Houston Pkwy, Houston, Texas 77060
(832) 777-1789
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Supply Chain & Logistics
  • Trucking - 50%
  • Logistics & Transportation - 50%

Industry Focus

  • Transportation & Logistics - 100%

Client Focus

80% Small Business
20% Medium Business

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