Companies Create Leads Through Online Marketing

Since 2006, Main Street Marketing has been creating Internet Presence Solutions for small businesses mainly in the Cincinnati – Northern Kentucky area. Main Street Marketing uses internet marketing, search engine optimization, lead generation, customer loyalty, and video to create a true Internet Presence for its clients. When integrated correctly, this core group of services provide results together that none of the services could provide on their own or in phases. A true internet presence will create better search engine rankings and marketing buzz for your customers. REMEMBER…”If your prospects can’t find you on the internet then you don’t exist” and “If your current customers aren't prompted to take action, they’ll take less of it.”

United States United States
42 Lyndale Road, Eddyville, Kentucky 41017,
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of BPO Services
  • Lead Generation - 100%
Focus of Web Designing (UI/UX)
  • Website - 50%
  • Graphic Design - 50%
Focus of Digital Marketing
  • SEO Services - 50%
  • Social Media Marketing - 50%
  • Facebook - 50%
  • Other - 50%

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