Moxie (New Orleans)
We create stunning videos to make your brand shine
We are creators, videographers, and producers. That is we make videos, captivating and interactive experiences, and all kinds of things that inspire people to see opportunity. Not to mention we’ve been shooting video in New Orleans for 35 years!
In fact, in over three decades of Moxie’s existence, we’ve traveled all over the country and across the world producing corporate videos, commercials, shows, industrial videos, and everything in between.
United States
Suite 1300, Los Angeles, CA , US,
Los Angeles,
< $25/hr
250 - 999
Service Focus
Focus of Digital Marketing
- Video Production - 50%
- Audio production - 50%
- Commercial - 50%
- Training - 50%
Industry Focus
- Education - 25%
- Gambling - 25%
- Hospitality - 25%
- Media - 25%
Client Focus
100% Small Business
Detailed Reviews of Moxie (New Orleans)
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