Logistics ans Shipping
The customs terminal of NBI Ekspeditioon AS accepts export, import and transit goods.
We arrange the delivery of goods to customers and the delivery of exported goods to the terminal. Cars with tailgate lifts are used. Our customs terminal and customs warehouse are warm, equipped with modern lifts and proper fire and security alarms. It is possible to store goods under customs supervision for a long time in a customs warehouse.
Akadeemia Tee 45, 12618 Tallinn,
372 502 9856
250 - 999
Service Focus
Focus of Supply Chain & Logistics
- Freight Forwarding - 20%
- Air Freight - 30%
- Ocean Freight - 20%
- Logistics & Transportation - 30%
Industry Focus
- Business Services - 50%
- Consumer Products - 50%
Client Focus
100% Small Business
Detailed Reviews of NBI
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