Unity&Unreal Engine and AR&VR development services

We are a studio focused on Unity/Unreal Engine development and AR/VR technologies.

Our core expertise lies in the development of games, native plugins, SDKs and AR/VR interactive experiences.

Being one of the most successful Unity Asset Store/Unreal Engine Marketplace publishers in the integration category, we know how to deliver the best quality products especially mobile native integrations for Unity and Unreal Engine.

Ukraine Ukraine
Antonovycha Str. 112A, Lviv, Lviv 79043
$25 - $49/hr
10 - 49

Service Focus

Focus of Game Development
  • Unity 3D Game Development - 25%
  • AR Game Development - 15%
  • VR Game Development - 15%
  • Cross Platform Game Development - 20%
  • Unreal - 25%

Nineva Studios's exceptional AR & VR Development services give clients a considerable advantage over the competition.

Industry Focus

  • Information Technology - 50%
  • Other Industries - 20%
  • Art, Entertainment & Music - 10%
  • Education - 10%
  • Industrial - 10%

Client Focus

50% Medium Business
50% Small Business

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Client Portfolio of Nineva Studios

Project Industry

  • Information Technology - 66.7%
  • Gaming - 26.7%
  • Industrial - 6.7%

Major Industry Focus

Information Technology

Project Cost

  • $10001 to $50000 - 46.7%
  • $100001 to $500000 - 13.3%
  • $0 to $10000 - 40.0%

Common Project Cost

$10001 to $50000

Project Timeline

  • Not Disclosed - 6.7%
  • 1 to 25 Weeks - 73.3%
  • 26 to 50 Weeks - 6.7%
  • 51 to 100 Weeks - 13.3%

Project Timeline

1 to 25 Weeks

Clients: 8

  • Sentry
  • Xsolla
  • Astronomica
  • Wecan
  • HelpShift
  • InBrain
  • BugSplat
  • Purchasely

Portfolios: 15

Unity Native Plugins

Unity Native Plugins

  • Unity Native Plugins screenshot 1
$10001 to $50000
25 weeks
Information Technology

Our company is one of the most successful plugin publishers on the Unity Asset Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/5296 in the Scripting/Integration category.

We have perfected our skills at developing native mobile (iOS/Android) solutions for the Unity game engine. We have sold thousands of copies of our plugins so far and have very high customer ratings.

Unreal Engine Native Plugins

Unreal Engine Native Plugins

  • Unreal Engine Native Plugins screenshot 1
$10001 to $50000
100 weeks
Information Technology

Our company is one of the most successful plugin publishers on the Unreal Engine Marketplace: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/profile/Nineva+Studios in the mobile category.

We have perfected our skills at developing native mobile (iOS/Android) solutions for the Unreal Engine game engine. We have sold hundreds of copies of our plugins so far and have very high customer ratings.



  • FoldVille screenshot 1
  • FoldVille screenshot 2
$10001 to $50000
28 weeks

FoldVille is our own multiplayer city-builder game that challenges you to unfold your strategic thinking and unlock your city's full potential through clever synergies. It places a strong emphasis on uncovering and exploiting the intricate combinations between different buildings, encouraging you to experiment, innovate, and craft a city that will dominate above others.

Game on Itch.io - https://nineva-studios.itch.io/foldville

Sentry Unreal Engine SDK

Sentry Unreal Engine SDK

  • Sentry Unreal Engine SDK screenshot 1
$100001 to $500000
Information Technology

We have built the complete Unreal Engine SDK for Sentry for mobile and desktop platforms.

Sentry is an error monitoring and performance monitoring software. Their platform helps every developer diagnose, fix, and optimize the performance of their code.

SDK on UE Marketplace - https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/sentry-01

XSolla Unity and Unreal Engine SDKs

XSolla Unity and Unreal Engine SDKs

  • XSolla Unity and Unreal Engine SDKs screenshot 1
  • XSolla Unity and Unreal Engine SDKs screenshot 2
  • XSolla Unity and Unreal Engine SDKs screenshot 3
  • XSolla Unity and Unreal Engine SDKs screenshot 4
  • XSolla Unity and Unreal Engine SDKs screenshot 5
$100001 to $500000
100 weeks
Information Technology

Developed a Unity and Unreal Engine SDKs for XSolla - a paying service company, providing game developers and publishers with payment, billing, distribution, and marketing tools.

Unity SDK on GitHub: https://github.com/xsolla/store-unity-sdk

Unreal Engine SDK on UE Marketplace: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/xsolla-store-sdk

HelpShift Unreal Engine SDK

HelpShift Unreal Engine SDK

  • HelpShift Unreal Engine SDK screenshot 1
$10001 to $50000
15 weeks
Information Technology

HelpShift is an in-app mobile-first customer service platform. The company product provides "in-app" help in order for game players to get qualified support without leaving the actual app, mobile website or game itself.

We have built the Unreal Engine SDK from scratch for iOS and Android platforms.

We have developed the whole Unreal Engine SDK along with testing and documentation - https://developers.helpshift.com/sdkx-unreal/getting-started

InBrain Unity SDK

InBrain Unity SDK

  • InBrain Unity SDK screenshot 1
$10001 to $50000
10 weeks
Information Technology

InBrain Surveys Unity SDK allows to present native web view with surveys from within your Unity app and receive rewards for their completion.

We have developed the whole Unity SDK along with testing and documentation - https://github.com/inbrainai/unitysdk

BugSplat Unreal Engine SDK

BugSplat Unreal Engine SDK

  • BugSplat Unreal Engine SDK screenshot 1
$10001 to $50000
10 weeks
Information Technology

BugSplat is the developer's go-to toolbox for finding, understanding, and fixing crashes. With BugSplat, developers know exactly which issues are causing their end-users to experience crashes while using their product.

When a crash event occurs, BugSplat captures data critical for understanding the underlying defect. This data is presented in a familiar “debugger” view which allows developers to triage crashes as if the crash was captured locally on their own machine.

We have created an UE SDK, which works for mobile and desktop platforms - https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/bugsplat

Purchasely Unity SDK

Purchasely Unity SDK

  • Purchasely Unity SDK screenshot 1
$0 to $10000
6 weeks
Information Technology

Purchasely is the most intuitive no-code Paywall Builder for In-App Subscription maximization. It allows building and running native paywalls and A/B tests like you’ve never done before!

In this project we have developed a Unity SDK from scratch for iOS and Android platforms, so starting from now on, game developers can easily integrate the no-code paywalls into their games and boost the in-app subscription revenue with Purchasely!

Unity SDK on GitHub - https://github.com/Purchasely/Unity-Package

SmartBabies - Alphabet & Zoo

SmartBabies - Alphabet & Zoo

  • SmartBabies - Alphabet & Zoo screenshot 1
$0 to $10000
8 weeks

Smart Babies is an educational app to learn English words with cute animations. The app goal is to help babies get smarter by creating the best educational content. The game contains more than 100 of various fun animated animal characters and helps little players to learn English words and their pronunciation.

In SmartBabies kids can:
- Learn English alphabet
- Learn the names of animals
- English pronunciations
- Draw animals
- Have fun during their education!

We have coded Android/iOS versions of the game in Unity.

Game on App Store - https://apps.apple.com/ua/app/smartbabies-alphabet-zoo/id1451310917

Indie Wrestler

Indie Wrestler

  • Indie Wrestler screenshot 1
$0 to $10000
8 weeks

Indie Wrestler is a mobile game made by wrestling fans for wrestling fans. The idea behind it is about giving the opportunity to create a character and take him to the top of the wrestling world.

It’s a tap based text mobile game which has driving gameplay and tons of features including customizing your character, weekly competition against other players, winning titles, dealing with media, interacting with promoters, etc.

Our part of the job was the general game maintenance and adding new features to it.

Key Features:

- General software optimization;

- Enriching the options list for customizing your character;

- Adding mid-titles for the wrestlers.

Game on App Store - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/indie-wrestler/id1552404632

Game on Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ArrenMarketing.IndieWrestler

Signum City: Stock Market Simulator

Signum City: Stock Market Simulator

  • Signum City: Stock Market Simulator screenshot 1
$0 to $10000
4 weeks

Signum City - an educational app about financial literacy and investing. In the game you can buy and sell imaginary stock options of real companies and compete against other players.

Key Features:

- Various tutorials on financial literacy;

- Simulation of a stock market when you can buy virtual shares of real companies;

- Regular competitions with your friends to challenge the player.

Game on Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.particle.signumcity

VR tour with Oculus Quest 2

VR tour with Oculus Quest 2

  • VR tour with Oculus Quest 2 screenshot 1
  • VR tour with Oculus Quest 2 screenshot 2
  • VR tour with Oculus Quest 2 screenshot 3
$0 to $10000
5 weeks
Information Technology

VR tour for one of the museum’s rooms with Oculus Quest 2

The purpose was to create a VR experience for the museum visitors for them to see how the room will look inside once it is built and hear the story about the exhibits. We had a 360 stereoscopic video, which we integrated into Unity without a quality loss, added visual and audio cues, spatial audio, etc. We have also created an admin Android app, which allows controlling the experience simultaneously on multiple headsets or each one separately, namely playing/pausing/restarting the experience, changing the voiceover language, switching the video chapters, controlling the volume level, etc. This experience is already being used in the museum for groups of people, mostly children.

Choke Valve Interactive Demo with Kinect 2

Choke Valve Interactive Demo with Kinect 2

  • Choke Valve Interactive Demo with Kinect 2 screenshot 1
  • Choke Valve Interactive Demo with Kinect 2 screenshot 2
$10001 to $50000
4 weeks

An interactive demo of the choke valve using Microsoft Kinect 2 and Unity game engine

We have built an interactive demo for the international exhibition displaying the technical characteristics and capabilities of the choke valves.

Key Features:

- Extensive usage of Microsoft Kinect 2 SDK

- A series of mini-games to learn how the choke valve works

- Demo can be controlled both by human gestures or mouse and keyboard

Technologies: Unity, Microsoft Kinect 2

Demo video: https://youtu.be/eIQlM8l64mI

DevFest Ukraine 2018 Conference App

DevFest Ukraine 2018 Conference App

  • DevFest Ukraine 2018 Conference App screenshot 1
$0 to $10000
4 weeks
Information Technology

DevFest Ukraine 2018 conference application. Schedule, networking, on-site AR navigation, and quests. All in one app.

App on iTunes Connect: https://itunes.apple.com/ua/app/devfest-ukraine-2018/id1436409628?mt=8

App on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ua.org.gdg.devfest2018