Recur Transport
Specialists in moving empty containers
Recur is a bulk empty container carrier based in Auckland. With a fleet of over 10 skeletal trucks, Recur specializes in carrying empty containers between various yards, depots, and ports in Auckland, Tauranga, and Hamilton. Recur relies on it’s use of technology and niche focus to keep costs low and always deliver an outstanding service for it’s clients.
Recur operates 24 hours and has built a reputation for reliable, flexible and efficient services amongst it’s clientele. Recur’s dispatch team has a wealth of experience in smart dispatching and 100% track record of meeting all deadlines.
11 Newark Place Otara,
0800 606 263
< $25/hr
2 - 9
Service Focus
Focus of Supply Chain & Logistics
- Trucking - 100%
Industry Focus
- Transportation & Logistics - 100%
Client Focus
80% Small Business
20% Medium Business
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