Animation, Visual Effects

Snowball has produced hundreds of minutes of top quality, 3D animation and visual effects in HD for film, tv, computer games, commercials and mobile, which are aired all over the world. These range from high-end commercials for brand name clients such as Cartoon Film, NBC, Cisco, Sci-Fi Channel, Verizon, National Lottery and Orange, to drama hits such as two seasons of VIPO, the 26-part children's television series currently airing in over 140 countries and three more pre-school TV series, including one for the BBC. Positioned at the heart of the Israeli hi-tech industry, with offices in London and Toronto, Snowball has grown to be the region’s leading 3D Animation and Visual Effects facility, combining the best international creative talent with cutting-edge technology.

Canada Canada
213 Sterling Rd Suite 100, , Toronto, Ontario M6R 2B2
(647) 715-9777
$25 - $49/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Animation & Multimedia
  • Animation - 100%

Industry Focus

  • Business Services - 100%

Client Focus

70% Small Business
30% Medium Business

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