Suite Twenty Four
After receiving Mr. Vega's review we had an opportunity to revisit his project. We find it surprising to have received this response nearly two years later from the time we started his project on December 7th, 2018. Please find our detailed response below:
Claim #1: Absolutely do not do business with Adam of Suite Twenty Four. It is a one man scam operation, claiming that he will put you in contact with investors and help you launch an app idea.
Reply: This claim is false. Our team is comprised of 26 team members. Mr. Vega happen to speak with Adam to initiate his project but was assigned a project manager, designer, and project engineer. Next, with the service Mr. Vega enrolled in we do not promise to provide any investors. The service the client purchased was to assist him to prepare his proof of concept to pitch to his own investors. At no time did we ever make the commitment to give him investors for his project with the Incubator he enrolled in. The client was provided all the resources necessary to find a potential investor for their project. However, being that it is now nearly two years later the client feels inclined to make us responsible for their lack of gaining any investor interest in their project.
Mr. Vega received his project in full which included: design, wireframe, prototype, website, marketing strategy, revenue model, and pitch deck. As previously mentioned, the client enrolled in our program on December 7th, 2018 and was delivered their completed project on April 2nd, 2019.
Claim #2: Extremely poor communication after he has taken your money, after which you can basically kiss good bye whatever you spent, you'll never see it back nor will you see anything even coming close to the promises made by these cons. Avoid completely.
Reply #2: This claim is False. From the period of December 7th, 2018 to April 2nd, 2019 we had exchanged 163 emails with the client. These emails included multiple revision requests, project stage approvals, and consulting. You can view the communication records with the client by clicking the link below.
Watch video here ->
Next, the client had received everything that within our service offering which includes: designs files, wireframe, prototype, website, marketing strategy, revenue model, pitch deck, and consulting. The documents rest with the client. Below you will find the link to the client's prototype. It would not be possible to complete this deliverable if not a considerable amount of time was invested in the project.
Completed prototype ->
You can also view the following video showcasing the client's completed project here ->
It is interesting that the client states in their words,"he has taken your money, after which you can basically kiss good bye whatever you spent, you'll never see it back nor will you see anything even coming close to the promises made by these cons" everything we agreed to deliver has been completed. Mr. Vega received everything that he paid for and more. It is unfortunate that the project never fully got off the ground even with the amount of work that was done to assist the client.
In closing, we aim to help all our clients to achieve their goals of launching their app ideas. However, clients much accept the inherent risk associated with any new venture. We can do all we can but at the end of the day it comes down to taking personal responsibility.