Personal Injury Attorney Los Angeles

The Farias Firm, PC have experience handling personal injury claims in California. We are committed to you and your right to best legal representation and full compensation for your personal injuries. If you had an accident in your vehicle or on work place, you could be eligible to receive benefits with the help of an accident attorney from The Farias Firm. Our proud Mexican American Attorney, Jaime G. Farias is committed to protecting the legal rights of those who are often taken advantage of because of their legal status. Contact us for free consultation

We also help is other practice areas:

  1. uber/lyft accidents lawyer los angeles
  2. dog bite lawyer los angeles
  3. worker's compensation law firm los angeles
  4. motorcycle accidents lawyer los angeles
  5. truck accidents attorney los angeles
United States United States
17525 Ventura Blvd, Suite 201, Encino, California 91316
(818) 222-2222
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Law Firms
  • Criminal Law - 100%

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