Trans-Bridge Freight Services
Established in 1991 Trans-Bridge Freight Services is a privately owned company currently employing 37 people at its Middleton Depot. Operating a fleet of vehicles ranging from vans to "air ride" 44 tonne artics. All these vehicles are equipped with GPS tracking devices and in cab communication to maximise flexibility to meet customer demand whilst considering the environment. A vigorous vehicle replacement programme ensures we are keeping pace with technology to satisfy not just our own but our customer's expectations in reducing our carbon footprint.
384 Heywood Old Road, Middleton ,
M24 4SB
< $25/hr
2 - 9
Service Focus
Focus of Supply Chain & Logistics
- Freight Forwarding - 50%
- Shipping - 50%
Industry Focus
- Healthcare & Medical - 50%
- Other Industries - 50%
Client Focus
80% Small Business
20% Medium Business
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