Your one for Staffing

We could spend time boring you with the resumes of our office staff, or what computer system we use at Staffing One. But that’s probably not what you’re interested in. Our guess is that you might want to know what it is about us that makes our customers and associates call us again and again when they have employment needs.ependability is huge when it comes to staffing. Ideally, when you call a staffing company, you want to put in your request and get back to work, knowing that your order will be filled with the right person, and that if you have any questions or concerns, they will be handled promptly and efficiently.

United States United States
" 5615 Pershing Ave Ste 24 , St. Louis, Missouri 63112
$25 - $49/hr
50 - 249

Service Focus

Focus of Business Services
  • Staffing - 100%

Industry Focus

  • Hospitality - 50%
  • Food & Beverages - 50%

Client Focus

90% Small Business
10% Medium Business

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