Bespoke, end-to-end mobile & web solutions.

We are a technology company specialising in creating custom, end-to-end mobile & web solutions which set our clients ahead of the curve.

Since 2013, we’ve been refining our craft and growing our team of solution-driven, highly skilled and forward-thinking professionals with diverse competencies and know-how.

Building products from scratch is what we do best - we consult and analyse clients' needs, design a solution, develop it and maintain it end-to-end.

Our portfolio includes tailor-made digital products for clients from all over the world: A1 Telekom Austria Group, Austrian Post, Foreo, Wiener Osiguranje, Styria Digital Services , poq, Wien Energie and others.


Great Place To Work
Croatia Croatia
Ivana Lučića 2a, Zagreb, 10000, HR, Zagreb, Zagreb 10000
+385 1 209 26 00
50 - 249

Service Focus

Focus of Mobile App Development
  • iOS - iPhone - 50%
  • Android - 50%
Focus of Web Development
  • Wordpress - 20%
  • Drupal - 20%
  • Joomla - 20%
  • Sitecore - 20%
  • Squarespace - 20%

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Client Portfolio of Undabot

Project Industry

  • Media - 33.3%
  • Healthcare & Medical - 33.3%
  • Telecommunication - 33.3%

Major Industry Focus


Project Cost

  • Not Disclosed - 66.7%
  • $10001 to $50000 - 33.3%

Common Project Cost

Not Disclosed

Project Timeline

  • 1 to 25 Weeks - 100.0%

Project Timeline

1 to 25 Weeks

Clients: 8

  • Cliq Digital
  • A1 Telekom Austria Group
  • Styria Media Group
  • Poq
  • Wiener Insurance
  • Bc Institute
  • German Seed Alliance

Portfolios: 3

News app for one of the biggest media groups in the region - 24SATA

News app for one of the biggest media groups in the region - 24SATA

  • News app for one of the biggest media groups in the region - 24SATA screenshot 1
Not Disclosed
14 weeks

As the leading Croatian newspaper and a part of Styria, one of the most prominent regional media groups, 24 sata needed a new and improved app that allows readers to access the latest news right from their pocket.


  • Android native development

  • Business analyst

  • iOS native development

  • Technical consulting

Advanced real-time news app

We gave the 24 sata iOS and Android app a fresh redesign with better interactive features, keeping in mind the needs of them and their readers. The result? An increase in the number of users, better reach, more likes, shares and subscribers and better user experience in general.

Newspapers may be traditional media outlets, but a news app should be far from outdated. We proved that by redesigning and remaking the app to give users a platform available on a wide range of services, supporting various video formats and allowing readers to upload content by themselves.

Of course, the app is also continuously updated with content, helping users get real-time news from the country and the world.


  • News List

    A complex news list with an automatic video display, support for various video formats, advanced user interaction and feedback on content.

  • User-generated content

    Features that allow users to upload images and videos in-app.

  • Improved performance

    Constantly optimized performance on a wide range of devices and different screen sizes.

Customer testimonial

“Working with Undabot is not like working with a vendor. It is like working with a partner.”

Sandra Kujundžić Drašković, GM, Styria Digital Development

Mobile shop for a leader in skincare - FOREO

Mobile shop for a leader in skincare - FOREO

  • Mobile shop for a leader in skincare - FOREO screenshot 1
Not Disclosed
14 weeks
Healthcare & Medical

We built a mobile shop that provides customers with a seamless shopping experience on iOS and Android phones for FOREO, a global brand of hi-tech beauty devices.


  • UX/UI design

  • Android native development

  • Project management

  • iOS native development

Innovative beauty-tech app

Using the Waterfall development method, we adapted the existing Foreo web shop experience to a custom app for iOS and Android mobile devices. Customers could now shop for their favorite skincare devices anytime and anywhere, and just in time for Black Friday, enabling FOREO to hit a spike in product sales.

“Clean code, smooth shopping experience” — that was the mantra for this project. Ensuring all customers could browse and purchase products on their mobile phones without any interruptions was a must for increasing sales and revenue for FOREO, and with some fantastic time management, we were able to finish just before the huge sales demand on Black Friday.


  • Filtering and categorization options

    The product list screen equipped with search, filter, and categorization functionalities enables users to discover great products with ease.

  • Product details

    Beautiful images and videos showcase all the best features of FOREO products.

  • Efficient checkout and in-app list of orders.

    A complete shopping experience with a hassle-free checkout process and personal overview of prior and existing orders.

Customer testimonial

In terms of using an external agency, working with Undabot was the best experience we’ve had so far. All aspects of our cooperation were amazing; the care and dedication exhibited by their UX/UI specialists, project management support, the intense and successful collaboration between developers, and the support of quality assurance processes.”

Franko Antičević, Technical Product Manager at FOREO

A customer care app for a leader in telecommunications- A1 Telecom Austria Group

A customer care app for a leader in telecommunications- A1 Telecom Austria Group

  • A customer care app for a leader in telecommunications- A1 Telecom Austria Group screenshot 1
$10001 to $50000
12 weeks

Creating a custom self-service app for A1 and its millions of customers across the region, including 7 different markets, wasn’t an easy task ​​— but we love a good challenge.


  • UX/UI design

  • Android native development

  • Middleware API

  • iOS native development

  • CMS development

  • Integrations with external systems

  • Consultation

  • Quality assurance

App fit for a leader

With more than 24 million customers in the region, A1 needed a straightforward, bespoke customer-care platform that could save time and money while improving customer experience, all while being tailored to their complex demands.

We achieved that by creating a Common Base Technology platform, which allowed us to “develop once, deploy many” — using the same codebase, we created a standard set of features that could be customized for individual markets. That meant having 7 apps as a finished product, but without the need to build them from the ground up every time.


  • Common Base Technology (CBT) platform

    Enables several different apps to use one code base, increasing project cost efficiency.

  • Custom API change management

    Gives A1 Telekom control of switching elements of the app without having to release an update.

  • Feature flags

    Allows different feature sets for customers in different markets.

  • Atomic and molecular design

    Optimises the UX/UI design phase and makes it easy to alter the white-label apps


  • 300k Active daily users 
  • 11 500 Widget users 
  • 4.0 Average rating, 38 000+ reviews

Customer testimonial

Excellent quality of end product, never-ending flexibility and truly “all-in” approach to our project are just some of the things I appreciate about our ongoing work together.”

Vedran Pezer, Sales and Digital CX Senior Manager at Telekom Austria AG
