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Think of us as partners that care about your success as much as you do, and can deliver top-level design and development services. We help you bring your business to the next level!

< $25/hr
10 - 49
Friedrichstasse, Berlin, Berlin 10117
Wola, Warszawa, Mazowieckie 01-234

Focus Areas

Service Focus

  • Web Development
  • Software Development
  • E-commerce Development
  • IT Services
  • Mobile App Development

Client Focus

  • Small Business
  • Large Business
  • Medium Business

Industry Focus

  • Business Services

UseCodify Clients & Portfolios

Key Clients

  • Frankiestrona
  • pixistore
  • covertapps
  • ayu healing

View Portfolio
  • SlimeBox screenshot 1
Not Disclosed
1 week
Information Technology

Project Overview

Slimebox is a groundbreaking web application designed to simplify the process of downloading and installing iOS apps directly onto devices over the air, leveraging UDID registration. The creators of Slimebox approached our team with the vision of developing an intuitive and efficient solution to streamline the app installation process for iOS users.

Design Direction

Our design approach for Slimebox prioritized simplicity, ease of use, and seamless functionality. Clean and minimalist interface elements were employed to ensure a straightforward user experience. The design focused on guiding users through the app installation process, from UDID registration to app download and installation, with clarity and precision.


One of the primary challenges was ensuring compatibility and reliability across various web browsers and iOS devices. Additionally, implementing secure UDID registration while safeguarding user privacy and data security required meticulous attention to detail and the implementation of robust security protocols.


Through meticulous planning and development, we created Slimebox, a user-friendly web application that simplifies the process of downloading and installing iOS apps over the air with UDID registration. The application’s intuitive interface seamlessly guides users through each step of the process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. Robust security measures, including SSL/TLS encryption and authentication protocols, were implemented to protect user privacy and ensure the secure transmission of data during UDID registration.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend Development: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (React.js for dynamic interface elements)
  • Backend Development: Node.js, Express.js (for server-side logic)
  • Database: MongoDB (for storing UDID registration data securely)
  • Security: SSL/TLS encryption, Authentication tokens
View Portfolio
  • CovertApp screenshot 1
Not Disclosed
1 week
Information Technology

Project Overview: CovertApp is a sophisticated web application designed to facilitate the installation of hidden and hard-to-find App Store apps on iOS devices. The creators of CovertApp approached our team with the vision of developing a seamless and secure solution to enable users to access a wider range of iOS apps through their devices.

Design Direction: Our design approach for CovertApp focused on simplicity, security, and seamless functionality. The user interface was crafted to be clean, intuitive, and minimalist, prioritizing ease of use while maintaining a focus on security features. The design aimed to guide users through the app installation process with clarity and precision, ensuring a smooth and secure experience.

Challenges: One of the primary challenges was ensuring compatibility and reliability across various iOS devices and versions. Additionally, implementing robust security measures to protect user privacy and data security while facilitating the installation of hidden apps required meticulous attention to detail and the implementation of advanced encryption techniques.

Solution: Through meticulous planning and development, we created CovertApp, a user-friendly web application that simplifies the process of installing hidden and hard-to-find App Store apps on iOS devices. The application’s intuitive interface seamlessly guides users through each step of the installation process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. Robust security measures, including encryption and authentication protocols, were implemented to protect user privacy and ensure the secure transmission of data during the app installation process.

Technologies Used:

  • Frontend Development: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (React.js for dynamic interface elements)
  • Backend Development: Node.js, Express.js (for server-side logic)
  • Database: MongoDB (for storing user data securely)
  • Security: Encryption, Authentication tokens, SSL/TLS encryption
View Portfolio
  • Frankiestrona screenshot 1
  • Frankiestrona screenshot 2
Not Disclosed
1 week
Food & Beverages

Project Overview: A burger website for a restaurant based in Warsaw! The team at UseCodify was tasked with creating a dynamic and enticing online presence for a burger restaurant located in the vibrant city of Warsaw. Our goal was to design a website that not only showcased the delicious offerings of the restaurant but also captured the essence of its unique atmosphere and culinary experience.

Design Direction: Drawing inspiration from the trendy and cosmopolitan vibe of Warsaw, our design team crafted a visually captivating website that highlighted the restaurant’s mouthwatering burger creations. Vibrant colors, enticing food photography, and modern typography were used to create an immersive and appetizing experience for visitors. The layout was designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing customers to easily explore the menu, place orders, and learn more about the restaurant’s story.

Challenges: One of the main challenges was ensuring that the website accurately reflected the restaurant’s brand identity and captured the attention of potential customers in the competitive food industry. Additionally, integrating online ordering functionality and ensuring seamless navigation across various devices required careful planning and execution.

Solution: Through collaborative brainstorming sessions and iterative design processes, we developed a website that exceeded the client’s expectations and effectively showcased the restaurant’s unique offerings. By incorporating online ordering capabilities and user-friendly navigation, we ensured that customers could easily browse the menu, place orders, and learn more about the restaurant from any device.

Technologies Used:

  • Frontend Development: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (React.js for dynamic elements)
  • Backend Development: Node.js, Express.js (for server-side logic)
  • Database: MongoDB (for storing menu items, orders, and customer data)
  • Payment Integration: Stripe (for secure online transactions)
  • Responsive Design: Bootstrap framework (for optimized display across devices)

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