Transportation and logistics

Virdi Trucking is a leading transportation and logistics company established in 1993. We offer solutions and solve any issues that might arise before and during the transportation of any load. The key to our success is communication with our customers. Virdi Trucking knows the importance of getting information on your load, as soon as possible, and that is why our customers have 24 hour access to our account representatives every day of the week.

Canada Canada
7351 Bramalea Rd , Mississauga, Ontario L5S 1C5
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of Supply Chain & Logistics
  • Freight Forwarding - 20%
  • Trucking - 40%
  • Refrigerated Transport - 40%

Industry Focus

  • Other Industries - 100%

Client Focus

80% Small Business
20% Medium Business

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