Services Tailored to Fit Your Business: Live

Virtual Office by Design will help your business reach its next level of success. If you have a start-up business, we’ll help you look bigger and more stable right out of the gate with professional offices/conference rooms, a real office address and phone answering services. Are you an established business? We propel established businesses to the next level of success by tracking and managing additional people on their staff. We can also provide reports on who called, peak business times, your sales person who receives the most calls, and we can provide much more data-driven information. Whether you need an upscale executive office suite or a conference room for a few hours, or if you need a professional dispatch service for your business; we have it all.

United States United States
8520 Allison Pointe Blvd. Suite 220, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250
< $25/hr
2 - 9

Service Focus

Focus of BPO Services
  • Virtual Assistant - 100%

Industry Focus

  • Real Estate - 40%
  • Business Services - 30%
  • Healthcare & Medical - 30%

Client Focus

90% Small Business
10% Medium Business

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